Sukie Yip


Три ловца ветра
Costume Designer
1997 год, Гонконг готовится к передаче Китаю. Три самых известных вора в Гонконге никогда не встречались, и вообще мало кто их знает в лицо. Один из них решает, что всё-таки стоит наконец познакомиться.
Hong Kong Confidential
Costume Design
One week in one of the most exotic and picturesque cities of the world. The day of changes comes when Amaya meets a charming Englishman, Paul and it dramatically changes Amaya's perception of her cultural and personal identity.
Break Up Club
Costume Design
When aimless Joe is dumped by his mercurial girlfriend, Flora, he finds an unusual way to win her back: a magical website that allows users to win back lost loves, so long as they agree to break up another happy couple.
Papa Loves You
Art Direction
Ying is a single parent who's having a tough time disciplining his wild teenage daughter Ellen.
Полицейский спецназ
Costume Design
В ночном кафе ударом ножа убит бандит-отморозок. А вскоре в темном переулке совершено нападение на сотрудника отдела по борьбе с организованной преступностью — у него украли пистолет. Полицейский патруль во главе с Майком Хо, подозревая, что преступления между собой связаны, вышел на охоту, но кто-то постоянно на полшага его опережает…
The Temptation of Office Ladies
Art Direction
Three young girls - Mon, Jo Jo, and Ida - with widely differing personalities, live together in the same house and come face to face with the faults of the men in their life. Mon, who works as a broker in the stock market, would like a change both professionally and romantically and has her eyes on married Michael; meanwhile he harbours fantasies of raping her. Ida works hard to pay off the mortgage with her boyfriend Andy; but he is too lazy to find a job after a year on the dole. The only man Yo Yo loves is Jack Daniels, spending every night in a bar getting drunk even though she is has a son and a daughter to take care of.
City Cop
Costume Design
Two Cops, one young and hotheaded, the other aging and by-the-book, are teamed up to break a case involving a series of Jewel heists by a ruthless young gangster and his illegal immigrant gang.