Xi Jin

Xi Jin

Рождение : , Tianjin, China


Си Цзинь (род. в октябре 1919 года — умер в июне 1997 года) — китайский режиссёр-мультипликатор.


Xi Jin


Saving Mother
Another classic film from Shanghai Animation Film Studio, "Saving Mother" was one of the most popular animations in China. The story is based on the traditional Chinese folklore about a boy named Chen Xiang. His mother was a goddess and his father a mortal. His uncle, Erlang Shen, punished Chen Xiang's parents because their marriage was against the rules of the heavens. Chen Xiang's mother was locked in a mountain until her son split the mountain and saved her.
Cao Chong Weighs an Elephant
Set in the Three Kingdoms Period, ancient China, India presents Cao Cao an elephant. Cao Cao wants to know the elephant's weight, only his youngest son Cao Chong comes up with an idea to weigh the jumbo.
Watermelon Cannon
Watermelon Run is a puppet show animation produced by Shanghai Fine Arts Film Studio in Mainland China in 1979 . The film is based on Liu Zhengtai 's folktale of the same name, and is divided into upper and lower parts, telling the story of a child soldier during the Shanghai Xiaodaohui uprising at the end of the Qing Dynasty .
A painter went to make a portrait of Zhang Baotian, a model worker. On the train, he met a big man. The painter praised Zhang Baotian in front of him, but the big man said that Zhang was nothing special. Later, I realized that the big man turned out to be Zhang Baotian, so he prepared to make a portrait of Zhang.
A painter went to make a portrait of Zhang Baotian, a model worker. On the train, he met a big man. The painter praised Zhang Baotian in front of him, but the big man said that Zhang was nothing special. Later, I realized that the big man turned out to be Zhang Baotian, so he prepared to make a portrait of Zhang.
Peacock Princess
In order to usurp power, the prime minister of Mengjia Kingdom, Maha Xianna, wants to marry his daughter to the prince Zhao Shutun. The prince fell in love with the beautiful and kind-hearted peacock princess Nanma Nuona. With the help of the goddess of Jinhu, the two betrothed each other for life. When the whole country was celebrating their wedding, Mahaxiana sent a wizard to the enemy country to ask for troops to attack Mengbanjia. In order to defend the country, the prince left his newly married wife and set out to fight against the enemy.
Peacock Princess
In order to usurp power, the prime minister of Mengjia Kingdom, Maha Xianna, wants to marry his daughter to the prince Zhao Shutun. The prince fell in love with the beautiful and kind-hearted peacock princess Nanma Nuona. With the help of the goddess of Jinhu, the two betrothed each other for life. When the whole country was celebrating their wedding, Mahaxiana sent a wizard to the enemy country to ask for troops to attack Mengbanjia. In order to defend the country, the prince left his newly married wife and set out to fight against the enemy.
A Shoe
Uncle Mao and Aunt Mao are well-known surgeons and physicians within hundreds of miles. They are kind, honest and amiable, and their medical ethics and skills are quite praised by the people. Early one morning, the old couple split up and went out for a medical trip. Aunt Mao drank some wedding wine at someone's house after delivering the baby, and started her way home drunk. While lying drunk in the mountains, he encountered a beautiful tiger. The tiger had no intention of harming it, but was very docile. It turned out that it was hoped that Aunt Mao would help it deliver the baby to the tigress at home.
Jinshan Restaurant's business is bleak, and no one cares about the lobster dinner. The boss accidentally saw news in the newspaper that a group of Red Party members were rounded up at a certain hotel gathering, so he spread the false news that the Red Party members would hold a secret meeting at Jinshan Restaurant...
Огнедышащая гора
Кукольный фильм. О том, как умная обезьяна Сунь У-кунь со своими друзьями донесла священные книги с одного конца Китая на другой, сумев добыть волшебный ветер пальмовых листьев, который только и мог потушить пламя «огнедышащей горы», сжигающей всё живое.
Огнедышащая гора
Кукольный фильм. О том, как умная обезьяна Сунь У-кунь со своими друзьями донесла священные книги с одного конца Китая на другой, сумев добыть волшебный ветер пальмовых листьев, который только и мог потушить пламя «огнедышащей горы», сжигающей всё живое.
Who Sings Best
This art film is a puppet film, which tells an absurd story that happened in a western country. From today's perspective, it has certain political metaphors. The blonde and the silver-haired are a pair of poor orphans. They have beautiful singing voices, but they can only live by begging in the bustling metropolis. The radio station is going to hold a singing competition. The blonde and silver hair become the lucky ones.
A Little Inventor
A group of children live in Nanshan, but the school is in Beishan, and it takes time and effort to go to school every day. To overcome difficulties, we must find a way. Xiao Lingzi is really smart. She builds a conveyor belt one by one to go over the mountain. Her suggestion was approved by everyone. With the collective wisdom and the help of the teacher, they finally used the windmill to create a conveyor belt from the North Mountain to the South Mountain. Amid the singing and cheers, they successfully crossed the mountain with machinery for the first time .
Мудрый козлёнок
Кукольный мультипликационный фильм. Экранизация китайской народной сказки о маленьком козлёнке, который благодаря своему уму и находчивости сам избежал неминуемой гибели, а хищного тигра и хитрую лису перепугал до полусмерти.
The Art of Chinese Puppetry
An introduction to Chinese puppet shows, including two plays: "Jiang Gan Steals Books" and "The Road Fights the Injustice" ("Lei Wanchun Fights the Tiger") performed by Yang Sheng and Chen Nantian.
Mr Dong Guo and The Wolf of Zhongshan
Puppet animation about Mr. Dong Guo's encounter with a wolf.
Сон маленькой Мэй
Этот фильм — первый в Китае опыт соединения игрового фильма с кукольной мультипликацией. Во время Фестиваля фонарей мама для Мэй купила красивую тряпичную куклу и отремонтировала сломанную деревянную игрушку. Мэй не стала долго играть, ноги деревянного человечка обгорели, а тряпичные куклы испачкались, поэтому она бросила их в угол и рассерженная легла спать. Во сне она увидела, как деревянный человек исправляет свои ноги и моет кукол. Мэй хочет спуститься и поиграть с игрушками, но ни деревянный человечек, ни другие игрушки не соглашаются… Проснувшись, Мэй поняла, что ей нужно беречь игрушки.
Сон маленькой Мэй
Этот фильм — первый в Китае опыт соединения игрового фильма с кукольной мультипликацией. Во время Фестиваля фонарей мама для Мэй купила красивую тряпичную куклу и отремонтировала сломанную деревянную игрушку. Мэй не стала долго играть, ноги деревянного человечка обгорели, а тряпичные куклы испачкались, поэтому она бросила их в угол и рассерженная легла спать. Во сне она увидела, как деревянный человек исправляет свои ноги и моет кукол. Мэй хочет спуститься и поиграть с игрушками, но ни деревянный человечек, ни другие игрушки не соглашаются… Проснувшись, Мэй поняла, что ей нужно беречь игрушки.
Волшебная кисть
Фильм снят по одноименной китайской сказке о бедном мальчике-сироте, о его волшебной кисточке, которая помогает ему победить всех врагов.
Волшебная кисть
Фильм снят по одноименной китайской сказке о бедном мальчике-сироте, о его волшебной кисточке, которая помогает ему победить всех врагов.
A Little Hero
"Little Heroes" describes the story of the little animals uniting together and bravely fighting hungry wolves.
A Little Hero
"Little Heroes" describes the story of the little animals uniting together and bravely fighting hungry wolves.