Серджо Ассизи выступил в этом фильме также режиссером и сценаристом.
Барнаба страдает синдромом Питера Пэна, у Сони синдром Стендаля, а Якопо постоянно чувствует себя брошенным. Их случайная встреча способствует излечению их фобий, они начинают смотреть на жизнь оптимистично и позитивно, словно в ней всегда есть только солнце, уверенные, что уж дождя-то в Неаполе быть не может..
Sister Olga
Middle-aged family man Arnaldo is kicked out by his wife because of a misunderstanding. Instead of despairing, Arnaldo takes advantage of the situation to turn around his unsatisfying adult life by going to live in a flat shared with four university students.
Set in a country church on a hot August day is an ironic and crude analysis and staging of the unwritten laws of prejudice and of meanness, in the society of appearance. In the perspective of "do it but do not say", the micro-stories of all the characters are alternated with the omnipresent co-protagonist of the story: the heat. The young bride, the greedy priest, the hedonist nun, the old women of the village, the femme fatale, the witnesses of the spouses, the relatives, the various guests and the groom himself tell with twists and sympathetic snapshots of almost Pirandellian humor timeless history where the clichés of a corrupt and indifferent society parade on the notes of the wedding march.