Jean Bouzanquet


Французский исторический криминальный фильм 1939 года режиссера Жака Даруа с Андре Брюле , Надин Фогель и Рене Ферте в главных ролях. Фильм основан на воспоминаниях Эжена Франсуа Видока . Видок был преступником в Париже девятнадцатого века,который перешел на другую сторону и стал ведущим сыщиком.
Une de la cavalerie
The merry Vigoulette wants to escape the yoke of his wife and asks to be recalled to a barracks regiment in Nice. Every night, he and his friend Poupardin have a great time. But one evening, he is missing. Fortunately his wife, who had arrived to spy on him, takes her place in the bedroom.
The Lafarge Case
A rider
Based on true facts, a news item which was widely talked about in the nineteenth century, this is the story of a wife who might have poisoned her husband .