Myra Barrera


Другими словами
Production Design
A tech geek lands an investor for his matchmaking app. But when his app matches him with a beautiful girl who doesn't speak English, he travels with his buddies to wine country in Baja California, Mexico to prove his algorithm isn't screwy.
Production Design
Carl Weber introduces us to the Hudsons, a family of African-American lawyers lead by famed attorney Bradley Hudson. They are handed the task to defend Grammy Award Winning singer Savannah who has been charged with the murder of her husband Kyle Kirby.
Вечная подружка невесты
Production Design
Карина побывала подружкой невесты на свадьбах всех своих подруг. Приняв решение больше не сидеть сложа руки в ожидании принца, она окунается в мир знакомств и свиданий. Время покажет, суждено ли ей навечно остаться в статусе подружки невесты или истинная любовь уже не за горами.
A Mother's Sacrifice
Production Design
A mother fear that her daughter has been abducted when a phone call is interrupted by something suspicious
Месть за воронов
Production Design
Бывшая участница банды и ее двоюродная сестра мстят врагам на улицах Лос-Анджелеса.