Pieter Oosthuizen


Set Production Assistant
События разворачиваются в Южной Африке. Саманта О'Хара руководит группой наёмников, которой поручено ответственную миссию по освобождению заложников. Преступники похитили и удерживают школьниц, среди которых – дочь местного губернатора Асила. Люди О'Хары хорошо подготовились к операции.
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Jay van Niekerk is a young, attractive and career driven comic book illustrator. Although he is advancing in almost every aspect of his personal and professional life, his one true desire seems to be the one furthest from reach. This has brought him to a crossroad in his life. Does he give up and keep fully focused on his career or does he finally open his heart to fulfill his deep longing for love and set out to meet the woman of his dreams? He wants someone funny, someone bright, who will appreciate his love of comics and embrace his eccentric lifestyle.