Don Halbert

Don Halbert


Don Halbert


Дитя моды: Убийство Кэролайн Берн
John Gibson
Кэролайн Берн с юных лет блистала на подиумах и разнообразных модных шоу. Девушка рано познала интриги и грязные игры шоу-бизнеса, что в итоге вылилось в нервный срыв и обращение к психиатру. Все это время рядом с Кэролайн был ее молодой человек Гордон Вуд. 8 июня 1995 года Кэролайн была найдена мертвой под скалой на пляже. Кто-то столкнул модель с огромной высоты или же это было самоубийство?
Вторжение: Битва за рай
Mr. Linton
Группа подростков возвращаются домой после похода и обнаруживают, что их дома захвачены врагом, а все остальные люди взяты в заложники или убиты.
The Inquisition
The Wood Royal Commission unleashed an extraordinary investigation that swept through the NSW Police Force like a tsunami. For many, the stakes were life or death. Not everyone survived.
Dreams for Life
The seasons go by her window, she dreams about a boy she knew; his baby brother is now a man. A film about time, depression and a woman's need for a story.
Child Star: The Shirley Temple Story
As America struggled through the Great Depression in the 1930s, a little girl with big dimples and indescribable charm danced her way into the hearts of moviegoers around the world.
Official Denial
Sergeant Bridges
A UFO abductee joins a secret government agency in order to communicate with the sole surviving alien of a downed spacecraft.
Boundaries of the Heart
Truck Driver #1
A small desert town in western Australia is the scene of several love affairs in this romantic drama. Forty-year-old Stella (Wendy Hughes) works at her father's hotel and bar. She receives annual New Year's marriage proposals from rodeo rider Andy Ford (John Hargreaves), who talks himself into asking her one more time. Stella's father Billy (Norman Kaye) is a former cricket star whose career ended early when he was involved in a sex scandal. She spends the night with vacationing Arthur (Michael Siberry) when his car breaks down. Andy elects not to pop the question to Stella in lieu of her one-night stand with the stranger. When Billy elects to marry June Thompson (Julie Nihill), the local gossipmongers have a field day recalling the woman's promiscuous past.