Anne Shirley

Anne Shirley

Рождение : 1918-04-17, New York City, New York, USA

Смерть : 1993-07-04


Anne Shirley (born Dawn Evelyeen Paris) was an American child, teen, and young adult screen actress. She retired at age 26. Initially appearing in films under the name Dawn O'Day, she changed her name to Anne Shirley (the name of the title character she portrayed) upon the success of the 1934 film Anne of Green Gables.


Anne Shirley
Anne Shirley
Anne Shirley


The Making of a Legend: Gone with the Wind
(archive footage)
This documentary revisits the making of Gone with the Wind via archival footage, screen tests, insightful interviews and rare film footage.
Make Mine Laughs
(archive footage)
A kind of filmed vaudeville show, using old material from RKO films and some new.
Movieland Magic
(archive footage)
Released as part of a series of WB shorts under the collective title of "Technicolor Specials" (WB production number 2003) this short most likely holds the WB house record for a 20-minute film containing footage from the most different titles in their inventory. It's theme of a singing guided tour of the lot (and some of the footage) is from 1944's "Musical Movieland", the former title holder, and it contains clips from 1939's "Quiet, Please" and "Royal Rodeo"; "Sunday Roundup" from 1936 and 1940's "The Singing Dude." Pieces from "Out Where the Stars Begin" and "Swingtime in the Movies" may also be used, but it's hard to tell since they all tend to run together and show up in a lot of places during the 1940's Warner shorts. Its title of "Movieland Magic" is most apt considering the sleight-of-hand performed by the WB Shorts and Sales departments in once again selling the same film clips for the 3rd, 4th or more times.
Это убийство, моя милочка
Ann Grayle
Частного сыщика Филипа Марлоу нанимает недавно вышедший из тюрьмы субчик, чтобы тот нашел его бывшую подружку Велму, которая исчезла несколько лет назад. Естественно, тривиальными розысками пропавшей девицы дело не ограничивается.
Music in Manhattan
Frankie Foster
Frankie Foster and Stanley Benson are a pair of small-potatoes performers. Both try to make it to the big-time after winning an amateur talent contest. Though this leads them to a few professional gigs, something is missing from their act and they are not popular. Believing a little cash will boost their career, Frankie heads for Washington, D.C. to see if her wealthy father will help them. En route Frankie is mistaken for the wife of the well-known pilot Johnny Pearson and ends up in his suite having to pretend she is his spouse. When the pilot meets her, romantic sparks fly.
Man from Frisco
Diana Kennedy
Matt Braddock is a civil engineer during World War II who has new ideas for shipbuilding. Braddock tries to establish yards for building prefabricated ships on the West Coast, but he is hindered by the former superintendent of the shipyard, Joel Kennedy. A disappointed lover fails to deliver an important message on welds and it leads to the collapse of a new ship's superstructure and the death of a boy.
Government Girl
May Harness Blake
An aviation engineer and a government secretary are thrown together by the war effort.
Burton Hughes
Майор Чик Дэвис демонстрирует армии США достоинства высотного прицельного бомбометания, с помощью нового высокотехнологичного прицела, а так же организовывает школу бомбардиров. Тренировки показаны в полудокументальном стиле, скрашенном драматическими моментами из личной жизни и учебных будней курсантов.
The Powers Girl
Ellen Evans
Two small-town sisters who've come to New York City for very different reasons find themselves competing for the affections of a brash magazine photographer. Comedy.
Lady Bodyguard
A. C. Baker
A.C.Baker, advertising executive for an insurance company, approaches test pilot Terry Moore with a proposition that in return for using his picture and endorsement he will get a paid-for-a-year $1000 policy. High-risk Terry agrees. George MacAlister fires his secretary, Miss Tracy, just as she is typing up the policy and she, for spite, changes the amount from a thousand dollars to one million dollars. A.C. delivers the policy, without noticing the difference, to Terry at a party at the Frolics Club, a cheap joint wedged between a burlesque house and a flop house hotel. Three characters, an elderly hat-check "girl" known as Mother Hodges; Avery Jamieson, a broken-down actor; and bartender Harry Gargan are named beneficiaries. When the company discovers the error, A.C. is sent to get back the policy and, pending that, don't let Terry make any test flights.
The Mayor of 44th Street
Jessey Lee
In this drama, an ex-vaudevillian dancer opens up a dance band agency and help street kids at the same time by hiring them to help out. Unfortunately, the local gang of hood's leader resists his attempts. More trouble ensues when the dancer helps a convict gain parole by hiring him. It later turns out that the ex-con is only interested in trying to use the agency as a front for extortion. Songs include the Oscar nominated "When There's a Breeze on Lake Louise," "Your Face Looks Familiar," "Heavenly, Isn't He?" "Let's Forget It," "You're Bad For Me," and "A Million Miles From Manhattan."
Four Jacks and a Jill
Karanina 'Nina' Novak, the Jill
Karanina "Nina" Novak, is befriended by Nifty, the leader of a four-piece orchestra, and in return, secures an engagement for them at the Little Aregal Cafe, with herself as the vocalist, by pretending she once knew the King or Aregal back in the old country. Steve shows up pretending to be the King of Aregal, and complicates the growing romance between Nina and Nifty. When Steve runs off with Opa, the real King of Aregal (also Steve) appears and complicates things again.
Hedda Hopper's Hollywood No. 2
Hedda Hopper plays hostess at a party for her (grown) son William (DeWolfe Jr.). Hopper, attends the dedication of the Motion Picture Relief Fund's country home and goes to the Mocambo. There is also a sequence dedicated to the Milwaukee, Wisconsin world premiere of the first short in this series attended by more that a few film stars.
Unexpected Uncle
Kathleen Brown
An elderly gentleman comes to a young woman's aid by pretending to be her uncle. Comedy.
Дьявол и Дэниэл Уэбстер
Mary Stone
Джейбз Стоун, простой фермер в Новой Англии, страдает от неурожая и долгов и не видит смысла продолжать заниматься фермерством. В отчаянии, он говорит, что готов продать душу в обмен на деньги и достойный урожай. Тут как тут появляется некий мистер Скрэтч, и предлагает контракт на семь лет: деньги, процветание и удача в обмен на душу. Вскоре к Стоуну приходит успех и он становится самым богатым фермером Новой Англии. Однако он становится тираном и теряет любовь семьи и уважение друзей. Через семь лет Стоун осознает свою ошибку, но контракт есть контракт. И спасти его может только блистательный оратор, возможно будущий президент Соединенных Штатов - Дэниэл Уэбстер...
West Point Widow
Nancy Hull
In this romance, a hospital nurse marries a West Point football hero. She soon gets pregnant, but this doesn't stop her from annulling the marriage so as not to interfere with her husband's military career.
Anne of Windy Poplars
Sentimental drama about an ambitious young teacher who arrives in a small town to take the job of vice-principal. Based on one of L M Montgomery's 'Anne of Green Gables' sequels.
Saturday's Children
Bobby Halevy
An inventor and his bride get testy in the city as they try to make ends meet.
Vigil in the Night
Lucy Lee
A good nurse ruins her career by covering up for her sister's careless mistake.
Sylvia Bartholomew
Set in a tiny midwestern town, this sentimental drama centers on the rivalry between two life-long acquaintances whose early friendship falls apart when they woo the same woman.
Sorority House
Alice Fisher
A young girl begins to wonder if she really fits into the upper-class sorority she's trying to join.
Boy Slaves
Social drama of Depression-era homeless children who turn to crime and are sentenced by a judge to a rehabilitation "labor camp".
A Man to Remember
Jean Johnson
On the day of his funeral, a dedicated smalltown doctor is remembered by his neighbors and patients.
Girls' School
Natalie Freeman
Wealthy high school girls are sent to a boarding school to learn proper etiquette. Linda Simpson stays out all night. She tells her roommate, Betty Fleet, that it was because she's planning to elope. Linda gets in trouble when the faculty finds out from a monitor's report submitted by reluctant Natalie Freeman, a poor girl attending on scholarship.
Mother Carey's Chickens
Nancy Carey
A financially-strapped mother and her children relocate from the city to a small rural town.
Law of the Underworld
Annabelle Porter
A respected citizen with secret ties to the local mob is faced with revealing his criminal connections to save two innocent people from execution
Condemned Women
Millie Anson
A shoplifter gets sentenced to a women's prison.
Стелла Даллас
Laurel "Lorrie" Dallas
Юная Стелла Мартин, дочь фабричного рабочего, влюблена в Стивена Далласа — выходца из когда-то богатого рода, служащего на фабрике мелким начальником. Стивен бросает свою давнюю возлюбленную Хелен, так как боится, что недостаточно богат и высокопоставлен для неё. Стелла нечаянно сталкивается с ним, когда приходит на фабрику, чтобы отнести обед брату Чарли, и Стивен увлекается ею.
Meet the Missus
Louise Foster
A small town Ohio barber accompanies his ditzy wife to Atlantic City, where she competes in the Happy Noodle Company's Mrs. America Contest.
Too Many Wives
Betty Jackson
An heiress and a dog-catcher go searching for a priceless stamp.
Make Way for a Lady
June Drew
An imaginative teenager decides to play matchmaker for her widowed father. Director David Burton's 1936 comedy stars Herbert Marshall, Anne Shirley, Gertrude Michael, Margot Grahame, Clara Blandick, Frank Coghlan Jr., Willie Best and Maxine Jennings.
M'Liss Smith
The third film version of the Bret Harte tale, starring Anne Shirley as a miner's daughter in a small town who falls for a handsome young schoolteacher.
Jenny Yates
Teenage orphan Jenny Yates becomes starstruck when a revival of an old Victorian melodrama passes through her small New England town, to the disapproval of her stern grandfather, Uriah. Stowing away in the car of Philip Greene, a wealthy young man working with the theater troupe, Jenny talks her way into the play's lead role. But director Archie Fisher doesn't tell her that the new version of the play is meant as a spoof.
Пароход, плывущий по течению
Fleety Belle
Фильм рассказывает о старом речном волке докторе Джоне, ворчуне и одиночке, который с помощью невесты племянника Флети пытается собрать деньги для оплаты юридических услуг, чтобы вызволить племянника из тюрьмы, где его приговорили к виселице за то преступление, которое он не совершал. Они спускаются вниз по реке на его старом пароходе с малочисленным экипажем, чтобы собрать людей на посещение импровизированного музея, собранного из остатка разорившегося театра восковых фигур…
A Night at the Biltmore Bowl
Anne Shirley
Join vocalists broadcasting from the Biltmore Bowl in Los Angeles.
Chasing Yesterday
Jeanne Alexandre
An elderly bachelor, feeling nostalgic for his youth, seeks out his late sweetheart's teenage daughter, now an orphan forced to attend a strict boarding school.
Anne of Green Gables
Anne Shirley
Anne Shirley, an orphan, is fostered by farmer Matthew Cuthbert and his sister Marilla, who were expecting a boy to be sent them to help with their farm work. They accept Anne, who quickly endears herself to them and to the local villagers.
Bachelor Bait
Miriam Johnson (uncredited)
After being fired from his job at the Marriage License Bureau, a clerk turns to matchmaking.
Flower peddler
A British officer stationed in Ireland falls for the wife of an intelligence man.
Finishing School
Virginia, who studies at a boarding school for upper-class girls, falls in love with a medical intern who works as a waiter for a living. Both the director of the school and her mother oppose such a relationship.
School for Girls
Catherine Fogarty (as Dawn O'Day)
After being convicted of stealing some jewels, Annette Eldrige is sent to a reformatory administered by a sadistic and corrupt female warder. However, one of the board of trustees takes an interest in the new arrival and begins to investigate the management of the institution.
The Life of Jimmy Dolan
Mary Lou
Champion boxer Jimmy Dolan has cultivated a wholesome image for himself, but he's a boozer and womanizer behind the scenes. Intoxicated at a party, he punches a reporter who threatens to expose his hypocrisy, and accidentally kills him. Dolan panics and skips town, winding up on a farm that serves as a home for disabled children run by kindhearted Peggy. As the cynical Dolan falls for Peggy, he begins to change his ways.
Распутин и императрица
Princess Anastasia (uncredited)
Это история о приближении ко двору и убийстве Григория Распутина. А так же последовавшей за этим гибели царской семьи. Этот фильм не является в полной мере исторической драмой. События и факты сильно искажены, равно как и имена некоторых героев. Фильм знаменит главным образом тем, что в нём приняли участие сразу трое представителей актёрской семьи Берриморов.
Трое в паре
Vivian Revere as a Child
Три школьные подружки подросли и стали представительницами разных социальных слоев населения. «Правильная» — выучилась на труженицу-стенографистку. «Оторванная» — прошла перевоспитание в исправительном учреждении. «Красотка» Вивьен вышла замуж за богача, купается в роскоши и растит сына. Однако, из-за отсутствия трудностей в жизни, Вивьен вдруг «срывается с катушек» и сбегает от мужа с каким-то проходимцем, прихватывая и ребенка заодно. В результате Вивьен очень стремительно скатывается вниз по социальной лестнице и подвергает опасности не только свой трещащий по швам брак, но и жизнь собственного ребенка.
Закупочная цена
Sarah Tipton (uncredited)
Убегая от гламурной и полной бурлеска жизни, Джоан Гордон решается на авантюру. Она отправляется вместо своей служанки к ее жениху-фермеру, с которым та заочно познакомилась через брачное агентство. Приехав на ферму, Джоан тут же вступает в брак с фермером Джимом. Сможет ли молодая пара преодолеть житейские невзгоды? Их, между прочим, немало: не заладившиеся с самого начала отношения, докучливые и беспардонные соседи, невыплаченный кредит за ферму. А тут еще бывший парень Джоан, который ее разыскал и предлагает вернуться к красивой жизни…
Такой большой!
Young Selina Peake (uncredited)
Рассказ о женщине, которая через всю жизнь пронесла слова своего отца о том, что жизнь — это удивительное и захватывающее приключение, полное радости и печали. А жизненные невзгоды и трудности она пропускала через свое сердце и превращала их в благодать для дорогих и близких ей людей.
Young America
Mabel Saunders
Mrs. Doray sits with a Juvenile Court Judge to learn more about problem children and what to do about them. One of the cases involves 13 year old Arthur, "the worst kid in town", who moves cars away from fiire-plugs without the knowledge of the owners. The judge gives Arthur and friend Nutty another chance. However they run into further trouble when they break into Mr. Doray's drugstore to get medicine for Nutty's grandmother. Mr. Doray is not sympathetic and completely against his wife's plan to become Arthur's guardian. More incidents occur with Mr. Doray quick to judge prior to getting all of the facts. Mrs. Doray must choose between her marriage and Arthur.
Isabelle as a Child (uncredited)
После смерти жены Фредерик Смит может рассчитывать только на экономку Эмму Тэтчер, которая приняла на себя все обязанности по воспитанию четырёх маленьких детей Фредерика. Проходят годы – дети выросли, а отец семейства добивается значительного профессионального успеха и становится богатым человеком. Незадолго до смерти Фредерика Эмма выходит за него замуж. Согласно последней воле мужчины значительная часть наследства достаётся жене, что становится источником конфликта между Эммой и её приёмными детьми...
Rich Man's Folly
Anne, as a child
The dream of Paul Dombey, the wealthy owner of the shipping company, is to have a son to continue his business. Tragically, Dombey's wife dies shortly after giving birth to their son.
Gun Smoke
Horton's Daughter
Following a killing and robbery in a big city back east, gang leader Kedge Darvas and some of his henchies take a train to a small western town in Idaho, with intentions of hiding out there until things cool down back in Chi or NYC, or wherever they lammed from.They are welcomed with open arms by the citizens under the impression they are there as capital investors with money to spend. Before long, Darvas figures the town is ripe for the taking and sends word for reinforcements, and each arriving train unloads a few suits and snappy-brim hats.Then they get rough, kill Sheriff Posey Meed and rile up the citizens, led by cowhand Brad Farley, who had Darvas spotted for a wrong number just by the way he made moves on Sue Vancey.
A carousel barker falls in love with a young woman. Both are fired from their jobs, and when the young woman becomes pregnant, the carousel barker tries to help pull off a robbery, which goes wrong. Because of the robbery, he dies, and after spending time in hell, is sent back to earth for one day to try to make amends.
Городская девчонка
Marie Tustine
Парень с Миннесотских полей приезжает в Чикаго продать пшеницу, которую выращивает его семья на своей ферме. В городе Лем знакомится с официанткой Кейт, они влюбляются и женятся. Но по возвращению к родным на ферму молодую супружескую пару очень холодно встречает отец…
Sins of the Fathers
Mary, as a child (as Dawn O'Day)
A married restaurant owner is persuaded to become a bootlegger by a beautiful young girl. When he starts making money at it, she steals it, then runs off with another man. His wife finds out what happened. Complications ensue.
4 Devils
Marion as a girl
The circus provides the backdrop for this melodrama that chronicles the lives of four children raised within the big top. Film historian and collector William K. Everson stated that the only surviving print was lost by actress Mary Duncan who had borrowed it from Fox Studios. In the December 1974 issue of "Films in Review," he explained that Mary Duncan, one of the film's stars, wanted it to show to a group of friends in Florida. The star was aware that it was a dangerous nitrate print and assumed that Fox had others. She threw the only copy in the ocean, a mistake characterized by Everson as "a monumental blunder to rank with Balaclava, Sarajevo, and the Fall of Babylon as one of history's blackest moments."
His Wooden Wedding
A few moments before Charley is going to marry, a friend, gives him an anonymous note, stating that the bride has a wooden leg.
Alice's Egg Plant
Julius, the boss of Alice's chicken farm, has to find a way to deliver 5000 eggs to Sinkem and Soakem when the hens go on strike.
Riders of the Purple Sage
Fay Larkin (uncredited)
A Texas Ranger searches for his kidnapped sister.
The Man Who Fights Alone
John Marble, a construction engineer is stricken by paralysis and begins to envision the growth of love between his wife Marion and his best friend, Bob Alten. Bent on suicide, however, the shock of seeing his wife and child endangered on a broken bridge shakes him to recover from his illness and discover that his suspicions were all imaginary.
The Spanish Dancer
Don Balthazar Carlos
The Spanish Dancer is the story of Maritana, a gypsy girl who dances in courtyards and even tells people's fortunes. Despite her gypsy occupation, Maritana wishes to be a Countess. Her ambitions are realized when she meets the handsome Count Don Cesar de Bazán, if only the King of Spain would stay out of their way!
The Rustle of Silk
Lola de Breze loves Lord Arthur Fallaray from afar, though there seems to be no way to bring them together -- he is England's Colonial Secretary and married, while she is merely a working class maiden. But when she is given a maid's position in his household, it brings her that much closer to her idol. She puts on a fancy gown and heads to the Ritz in hopes of getting a formal introduction. After being fired from the household, she follows Fallaray to his country home and nurses him when he falls ill. Lord Fallaray's wife Lady Feo doesn't love him and is having an affair with Paul Chalfont. When it looks like he will be faced with scandal, Fallaray contemplates giving up politics and marrying Lola.
Moonshine Valley
Nancy (as Dawn O'Day)
Ned Connors, a prospector, has a happy marriage with his wife, living in the hills, until fate brings a sick visitor to their shack. The guest, Dr. Martin, is cared for by Connors' wife, who falls in love with him. When Connors returns to the shack after striking it rich, he finds his wife and Martin together.