Cédric Lionnet


Sound Mixer
Antoine, an international wine negotiator in his fifties, receives an unusual phone call from Moscow. No voice, just a breath. Shaken, he leaves everything behind, his job, his partner, to go immediately to Russia to look for the woman he loved passionately and who has mysteriously disappeared for four years.
My Grandpa Is Hiding
Sound Mixer
A grandfather explains to his grandson that he'll have to take care of his flower garden after he dies. There follows a touching and poetic discussion about losing loved ones and on the marks they leave behind.
On the Horizon
Sound Mixer
A man and a woman are doing up a boat in order to go on a cruise together. This common project brings them together. They are passionate, become very close. Their relationship is sensual and tender. Yet they grow weary after a long period of relentless work, and both their life and the boat go adrift.
Шутки в сторону
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Усман, дерзкий коп из парижского пригорода, и Франсуа, амбициозный столичный полицейский, объединяют усилия в расследовании убийства жены большого чиновника. Усман и Франсуа — разные. Усман живет по законам комедий с Эдди Мерфи, Франсуа обожает Бельмондо в «Профессионале» и «Смертельное оружие». Но расхождение в киновкусах — ничто, когда на кону громкое разоблачение коррупции в самых верхах и, конечно, дружба! Один плюс один = команда, а шутки — в сторону!