In the last days of the summer, a group of teenagers prepare for the police re-enactment of an event that occurred a month earlier. Fatim face more than the others the return of her friend, Helena, who is accused of the case.
Jeune 1
Because he forgot his identity card, Elias cannot take the entrance exam to Sciences Po. In search of a job while waiting to be able to take the exam again, he becomes an educator in a children's home. Confronted with an environment he doesn't know how to work, Elias doesn't yet know how much this experience will change his life.
Мехди около 30-ти, он мелкий грабитель. Герой пытается свести концы с концами, но за ограбления уже не так хорошо платят. Другие варианты заработка не особо прельщают. Обдумывая свою жизнь, Мехди пытается вернуть Сару — мать его годовалого сына.
Шестнадцатилетний Юрий всю жизнь прожил в «Башнях Гагарина», большом жилом комплексе из красного кирпича на окраине Парижа. Он мечтает стать космонавтом. Когда становится известно о планах сноса «Башен Гагарина», Юрий вливается в ряды протестующих. Вместе с друзьями Дианой и Хуссамом он начинает борьбу за спасение своего дома, превращая его в «межзвездный корабль», прежде чем навсегда уйти в космос.
Mika (uncredited)
Video #2 of Finite Rants, a series of eight visual essays commissioned by Fondazione Prada and curated by Luigi Alberto Cippini and Niccolò Gravina. Bertrand Bonello reworks the last minutes of his 2016 film Nocturama, which documents the logistical operations and the organization of terrorist attacks in Paris by a group of teenagers. Starting with "Où en êtes-vous?", a video commissioned by the Centre Pompidou in 2014 and conceived as a letter to his then 11-year-old daughter, the director makes a new work altering the final sequence of Nocturama and completely modifying the textual component and the soundtrack in this video essay as a second letter written for his now 17-year-old daughter.
Even though they don’t know each other very much, Inès (14) and Abdel (15) decide to have their first time together. The big day arrives and Inès is called to help out a neighbor to babysit her two kids Moussa (3) and Balla (5). Inès is determined to go through with their plan and asks Abdel to join her at her neighbor’s apartment. But the two children and their friends don’t stop to interrupt them in their pursuit. And so, they are forced to get to know each other in a different way.
Ноктюрама — загон для ночных животных в зоопарке. Здесь группа подростков взрывает Париж, организовывая параллельные атаки по всему городу, а затем прячется в универмаге 19 века.