Giovanni Rovini


nonna del soldatino
Adelmo Bartelesi has a colleague desired by all, this Adelaide Picchioni. And Adelmo unable to get an appointment with her. But get home Adelaide begins to present some difficulties: a transition to an old woman who leads him astray, intense traffic, the fortuitous meeting with his wife and family and then an attack of colitis and the meeting with his head, the car that is taken away by police, the meeting with another colleague ... will Adelmo reaching the desired appointment?
Atti impuri all'italiana
Ciondolo, l'infermiere dell'ambulatorio
The village doctor of Montecatini Terme dies and Dr. Elijah Bonvicini arrives that everyone takes by surprise by the fact of being a young and attractive woman. The municipal clinic is being rushed by a lot of women and men who are all sick of frustrated sexuality.
Туманные звезды Большой Медведицы
Американец Эндрю сопровождает молодую жену Сандру в её итальянский дом в Вольтерре. Из шкафов благопорядочного итальянского семейства начинают появляться скелеты. Сандру осаждают воспоминания о погибшем в Освенциме отце, враждебные отношения с матерью и кровосмесительные — с братом Джанни.