Puck and Einar decide to spend the last weeks of their vacation in Einar's idyllic childhood town Skoga. Pucks father Johannes Ekstedt, professor in Egyptology, has a household cat called Thotmes III that joins the couple. They get to borrow both Einar's sisters beautiful old wooden house as well as her highly competent housekeeper. But after the first night, the idyll crumbles. Einar finds a dead body on the lawn, a young man stabbed to death by a dagger. Christer Wijk enters the stage and with the help of Pucks observations the mystery approaches its tragic solution.
Makeup Artist
Puck and Einar decide to spend the last weeks of their vacation in Einar's idyllic childhood town Skoga. Pucks father Johannes Ekstedt, professor in Egyptology, has a household cat called Thotmes III that joins the couple. They get to borrow both Einar's sisters beautiful old wooden house as well as her highly competent housekeeper. But after the first night, the idyll crumbles. Einar finds a dead body on the lawn, a young man stabbed to death by a dagger. Christer Wijk enters the stage and with the help of Pucks observations the mystery approaches its tragic solution.
На фоне магически прекрасного города Бергслагена происходят страшные события. Пак и Эйнар Бюре в лучших традициях детективного жанра демонстрируют преимущества дедуктивного метода и находят убийцу, которого на преступление толкнула страсть.
Makeup Artist
На фоне магически прекрасного города Бергслагена происходят страшные события. Пак и Эйнар Бюре в лучших традициях детективного жанра демонстрируют преимущества дедуктивного метода и находят убийцу, которого на преступление толкнула страсть.