Agnès Ravez


Un petit miracle
Dialogue Editor
Nothing goes well for Juliette! The school where she used to teach has burned down, and her unique class will have to be dispatched to the four corners of the department. To avoid this, she proposes a surprising solution: to install her class at the Poppies, the local old people's home, the only place that can accommodate them for the time of the work. For the children as well as for the residents, the cohabitation will not be easy, but will transform them forever. Inspired by a true story.
Arthur Rambo
Sound Editor
Who is this Karim D. ? The new young writer whom the media can't get enough of? Or his alias, Arthur Rambo, the author of old hate-fuellled messages which are dredged up, one day, from social media websites?
I Wish Someone Were Waiting for Me Somewhere
In the beautiful family home, at the end of the summer, Monique celebrates her 70th birthday, surrounded by her 4 children, all of whom have come for the occasion. There is Jean-Pierre, the elder, who took on the role of head of the family after the death of his father; Juliette, pregnant with her first child at 40 and who still dreams of becoming a writer; Margaux, the family’s radical artist, and Mathieu, 30, anxious to seduce pretty Sarah. Later, one day, one of them will make a life-changing decision ...
Joseph et la fille
Joseph has just spent 20 years in prison. After being released, he has only one obsession: to make one last heist. To perform this masterpiece, he needs an accomplice. He cannot trust anyone, so decides to prepare Julie, 20 years old. The confusion and uncertainty, however, stand between these two beings so opposite ...
Все песни только о любви
Sound Editor
Париж, музыка, любовь… Начинающий журналист Исмаэль любит улыбчивую блондинку Жюли дружит с её сестрой и ходит на обеды к её родителям. Затасканность этой идиллии компенсируется тем, что вечерами в гости к Исмаэлю с Жюли приходит задорная брюнетка Алис - и остаётся ночевать в их кровати. Вот только всё больше и больше возникает вопрос: "А к кому именно приходит Алис?". Любовь Жюли и Исмаэля достигла своей вершины, но ей предстоит проверка на прочность. Парочка настолько погружена в собственные переживания, что, кажется, теряет чувство реальности. Но к реальности возвращает трагедия… Сможет ли Исмаэль пережить потерю самого близкого человека? Чья любовь снова вернет его к жизни? Финал ошеломляюще непредсказуем!