Glen Lee


The Night of Fury
Alexander Trant
A policeman infiltrates in a gang of forgers. He and their leader fought together in Vietnam, where he saved his life. The policeman arrives to the gang headquarters, a mansion in the Californian coast, and thinks everything is under control, until some unexpected visitors, a gang of deranged hippies, show him he is wrong.
Ella (Trágica obsesión)
Дом голубей
Вдова Александра и ее дочь, школьница Сандра, живут на роскошной вилле в отдаленной части южной Испании. Однажды в город возвращается Фернандо, бывший жених Александры, и между ними разгорается прежнее чувство. Но, узнав, что он ради денег жил у богатой старой женщины, Александра разрывает отношения с ним. В порыве мести Фернандо совращает ее дочь, невинную Сандру...
First Surrender
Giallo about a man plotting to kill his wife for her money.
Dead Aim
A traveling gravedigger during an (unspecified) war adopts a orphan he finds alone in the desert. After the war with the orphan grown and business slow, the orphan begins to generate business himself by shooting people. The orphan wants to make one big score by robbing a bank but the gravedigger resists. Their dream is to open a fancy funeral parlor and cemetery. The orphan becomes obsessed with a prostitute he saw who was later abandoned by her outlaw partner after a robbery attempt on a gold wagon goes bad. He eventually leaves the gravedigger to find her