Andraž Jerič


Kaj + Ester Forever
Ester is happy to be starting high school, but trouble begins when she discovers that her ex-boyfriend Kaj has also enrolled in school with the goal of getting back together. With all her peers supporting Kaj, Ester befriends Vanda and they pretend to be a couple to win acceptance from classmates and Vanda's parents. The plan works at first, but their newly awakened emotions soon start to complicate things.
An adolescent girl tries to dream about memories of Mother while having to be physically present in the surrounding farm with grandmother.
An adolescent girl tries to dream about memories of Mother while having to be physically present in the surrounding farm with grandmother.
Lighting Technician
In the absence of his mother, the seven-year-old Maks decides to find company at the basketball court. The lack of warmth and attention forces him to take matters into his own hands.
Трудный подросток Андрей уже исчерпал терпение родителей. Парень предстает перед судом за мошенничество, и отправляется в центр для несовершеннолетних правонарушителей, где встречает соответствующую компанию. Стойко выдержав жестокий обряд посвящения, Андрей завоевывает уважение и дружбу агрессивного главаря местной банды.
Parent-Teacher Conference
Fran is a newcomer art teacher at a primary school who struggles communicating with his students' parents while also actively avoiding communicating with his girlfriend Medina.
Production Manager
A young couple walks through the wilderness. She is free and he follows, somewhat reluctantly. After spending a stormy night under a rock shelter, they meet a man from her past. Together they come upon a road.
A young couple walks through the wilderness. She is free and he follows, somewhat reluctantly. After spending a stormy night under a rock shelter, they meet a man from her past. Together they come upon a road.
Future Bending
A hamster magician finds there is a direct correlation between past and future.
Future Bending
A hamster magician finds there is a direct correlation between past and future.