Ben Chesneau


The Voice in the Hollow
An African fable of sisterhood, envy and ancient evil. The story of Ala and Coa from the Leopards tribe. When her sister outshines her once again, Coa meets a mysterious entity, the morning star and the bestower of gifts, that can grant her wish...
Забавное лицо
Sound Effects Editor
Царящая в мире несправедливость, из-за которой его бабушка с дедушкой теряют родной дом, толкают Сола на грань безумия, заставляя прятать лицо по маской. Во время своих блужданий он случайно встречает Заму - ещё одну жертву произвола. Парочка решает встать на путь борьбы за справедливость, которая однако, подозрительно смахивает на самосуд.
The Definition of Insanity
Sound Editor
The Miami-Dade Community Mental Health Project comes to life in this documentary, following a team of dedicated public servants working through the courts to steer people with mental illness on a path from incarceration to recovery.
Sound Effects Editor
Чтобы спастись от кризиса в Венесуэле и излечиться от алкоголизма, мужчина уезжает в джунгли и встречается со старыми друзьями. Однако их прежняя дружба обращается во зло из-за золотой лихорадки.
Paradise City
Dialogue Editor
The worlds of a young cop with a checkered past, an ex-con turned devout Muslim, and a junkie with affluent roots collide in a plot to justify New York City's counter-terrorism campaign against homegrown extremists.
Отец Нафи
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Противостояние Имама и его могущественного брата приводит к тому, что маленькая община начинает медленно склонятся к экстремизму.
The Bumbry Encounter
ADR Engineer
The year is 1961. Jackie Bumbry has a black eye. Her house is full of police officers. Her husband, Terry, is being spoken to in the other room. A family counselor is brought in to speak with Jackie about her relationship with her husband - and how she is white and he is black. But all Mrs. Bumbry wants to talk about is the strange lights she and her husband saw last night.
The Corporate Coup D'État
Sound Recordist
A democracy should protect its most vulnerable citizens, but increasingly the United States is failing to do so. This investigation blends the insights of experts with the experiences of citizens of the Rust Belt in the Midwest where the steel industry once flourished, but where closures and outsourcing have left urban areas desolate. It is here where Donald Trump finds some of his most fervent supporters.
ADR Engineer
Two days of psychotic intrigue between low-level employees of a suburban carpet store.
Empty Metal
Sound Effects Editor
Adam Khalil and Bayley Sweitzer’s first feature as co-directors, Empty Metal takes place in a world similar to ours—one of mass surveillance, pervasive policing, and increasing individual apathy. The lives of several people, each inhabiting extreme poles of American social and political consciousness, weave together as each attempts to achieve some kind of forward motion, sometimes in contradiction, and always under the eye of far more controlling powers.
The Ningyo
Sound Designer
Dr. Marlowe, a paleontologist and professor, finds a piece of a map pointing to the place where the Ningyo, the mythical Japanese creature, could be found. The legend claims whomever consumes its flesh will attain remarkable longevity. He presents the project to his peers, who mock and dismiss him as a fraud. He decides to risk everything and go after the Ningyo on his own in hopes to bring to light what could be one of the greatest contributions to science. What he could not anticipate is that, in his search, he is confronted with a choice that puts the very foundations of his morality to the test.
Tangles and Knots
Dialogue Editor
Set in the height of summer in Sydney, Australia, the story follows a unique, intimate relationship between a mother, Michelle and her teenage daughter, Laura. They act more like girlfriends together than parent and child. This relationship becomes threatened when the mother helps her daughter throw a house party to impress new, more popular friends. She gains admiring looks from her daughter's guests. Both of them notice it, and it makes them uncomfortable. As their relationship unravels throughout the night, a much more sinister threat emerges that will jeopardize their bond forever.
The Girl Who Invented Kissing
Sound Editor
A nameless, pill-popping drifter girl steps off a bus and into a New Jersey neighborhood bar owned by two middle-age brothers, Jimmy & Victor. She quickly befriends older brother, Victor––a good-natured lummox whose mind was affected by a childhood accident. The mysterious "Girl" soon upsets the delicate balance of the brothers' lives while bringing both trouble and new life into their resigned world and town.
Sound Editor
Когда-то бывшие парой Морган и Джин всё ещё живут вместе и ведут подкаст «Женщины-убийцы» — передачу о серийных убийцах. На работе в магазине-ферме органических продуктов Морган встречает таинственную Симон, и между ними сразу возникает притяжение. Женщины начинают встречаться, и это совсем не нравится Джин, она проводит расследование и выясняет интересные факты из прошлого Симон.
Some Lover to Some Beloved
Dialogue Editor
Inspired by John Gielgud, veteran Pakistani actor Zia Mohyeddin ('Lawrence of Arabia', 'A Passage to India') recites readings from now fading Urdu literature every year. In 2010, he makes a deviation from his thirty-year tradition and reads solely from the work of one author - legendary revolutionary Pakistani poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz. As contemporary Pakistan devolves into violence and instability, Zia's readings of Faiz's poetry find new resonance and leads Zia on an introspective journey into his extraordinary past and uncertain future.