Tina Leslie


Alan's Wife
Back in the 'bad old days' when the physically and mentally disabled were locked away in institutions a legend grew of someone who could stand up to the authorities and help them. This charming story is how a group of disabled people went to chase that legend. To assist them John is forced to come to terms with his daughter and her friends.
A Different Hand
The Daughter
A musical comedy drama about a young woman (played by Tina Leslie) rebelling against society's attitudes (including her parents, her doctor, her priest and teacher) towards people like her who are without hands or in other ways different. Everyone is trying to force her to wear artificial hands, everyone except for her disabled friend (Nabil Shaban), who assists in her revolt.
Усадьба Хауардс-Энд
Англия начала двадцатого века. Чета Уилкоксов, Рут и Генри, владеют прекрасным поместьем. После кончины Рут имение переходит к аристократке Маргарет Шлейгел. Энергичная владелица с большим энтузиазмом берется управлять усадьбой и приглашает к себе младшую сестру Хелен. Со временем Генри начинает ухаживать за Маргарет и делает ей предложение. Судьбы этих семей удивительным образом переплетаются, Говардс Энд погружается в пучину немыслимых интриг, и великолепное имение превращается в обитель страстей и трагедий.
The Fifth Gospel
The Pilgrim
A documentary about disability and Christianity from Nabil Shaban and Tina Leslie.
The Fifth Gospel
A documentary about disability and Christianity from Nabil Shaban and Tina Leslie.