"Wigger" is a spellbinding urban drama, which chronicles the life of a young, White, male (Brandon) who totally emulates and immerses himself in African American life and culture. Brandon is an aspiring R&B singer struggling to overcome the confines of a White racist, impoverished family headed by a neo-Nazi father who is absolutely appalled by his son's total identification with Black culture. Additionally, he is oft times reminded of his position of privilege by virtue of being White in a White, racist society despite his adamant efforts to transcend "Whiteness", institutionalized racism, and find a place for himself in a world in which he rejects Whiteness but is not always fully embraced by African American culture. Ultimately, this is the story of a young White, inner-city, male caught up in an emotional, psychological, experiential, and racial "Catch 22" determined to be granted acceptance in the life and culture with which he chooses to identify.
Молодой специалист по охране природы случайно попадает на корабль, на котором процветает пьянство, разврат, постоянные драки, а возглавляет всю «команду» безумный капитан по прозвищу «Морской волк». Команда устала от диких выходок капитана и на судне назревает бунт, но «Морской волк» готов мёртвой хваткой вцепиться в горло каждому, кто нарушит морской закон.