Salvatore Puccinelli


Laura... a 16 anni mi dicesti sì
A young fisherman from Pozzuoli, Gino Esposito, is in love with the sixteen-year-old Laura who reciprocates him with passion; but her family is opposed to the idyll and even goes so wildly to beat the young man. The two pigeons, however, on the advice of the common friend Tito, flee to Venice but are immediately resumed; she is brought back home, he in prison for a minor rat. Laura marries Tito to save Gino from prison. So they spend about ten years, the two lovers meet again by chance in the record store that he has opened and they discover they still love each other. Gino remained a widower with a lively little boy, Duccio; Laura has a daughter Lisa, whom her father Titus adores. The marriage without love of Laura, after the meeting with Gino, goes into crisis. Tito is jealous of his wife who now hates him; so to take revenge on his rival he decided to have a bomb put in Gino's shop.
Francesco Improta is an honest fruit and vegetable peddler who lives with his elderly mother Assunta and daughter Fiorella. His wife Lucia left home two years earlier, as, in order to help the family, she did not hesitate to give herself to the boss Peppino Ascalone, with whom she is now forced to live together.
Murolo Thug
Молодой человек Лука был небольшого пошиба мафиози и занимался контрабандой сигарет в Неаполе. И в принципе все у него шло довольно неплохо, до тех самых пор, пока в городе не объявилась банда отморозков, которая радикально «подчистила» ряды местных контрабандистов, убив, в частности, родного брата Луки. Поклявшись отомстить, Лука пошел на прямой конфликт с новыми «королями жизни», в результате чего лишился не только здоровья, но и поставил под угрозу жизни своих жены и ребенка. Решив все же идти в своей борьбе до конца, Лука пошел на «финальную разборку», которая закончилась для всех весьма неожиданно…
Hunted City
Commissario Paolo Ferro (Maurizio Merli) stars as a (typical) tough cop again. This time he returns to the city of Milan to go after a murder corporation. Acampora (Mario Merola) is believed to be the prime suspect although he later proves to be one of the mafia's targets. As if all that wasn't enough, Paolo has to face his own nephew who seems to be involved in all sorts of dirty business.
The New Godfathers
A revolution in Iran halts a heroin shipment, but an alliance of crime families is set on getting it to the US. They decide to run the drug through an unsuspecting network of good-natured, local smugglers in Naples, while an international anti-narcotics agent rushes to shut their operation down. Betrayals and divided loyalties lead to a final, bloody confrontation in America.
Naples... Serenade Caliber 9
Don Salvatore Savastano, a boss involved in the smuggling of contraband cigarettes, is forced to watch four masked robbers kill his wife and his only son in a restaurant where he and his family are celebrating the young boy's first Holy Communion. From that moment on Don Salvatore has no other purpose in life but to get his revenge on the four assassins.