Yuri, a retired special forces agent, is reluctantly forced into utilizing his old skills when his daughter, Julia, gets kidnapped by a human trafficking conglomerate just days before Christmas in Miami.
Associate Producer
Лилиан - эмоционально пренебрегаемая, но материально избалованная дочь знаменитого отца. В начале повествования, расставшись с бойфрендом, героиня перебирается в пустующую отцовскую квартиру, расположенную в Бруклине. Это особенный квартал, ведь здесь на каждом углу можно встретить какую-то знаменитость. Соседкой Лилиан становится Джулия Прайс – известная, опытная и молчаливая писательница. Она ведёт затворнический образ жизни, почти не общается с собственным мужем. Несмотря на это, с момента переезда героини писательница преображается. Изменения становятся ещё заметнее, когда между девушками устанавливается необычная переписка через записки в дневниках… В конечном счёте такой стиль общения настолько заинтриговывает саму Лилиан, что она решает снять документальный фильм о своей соседке!
Line Producer
Amy, an attractive woman, confuses love with money and becomes a victim of the materialistic lifestyle of South Beach. Her relationship with Nick, a down-to-earth, young architect is great, but Amy has dreams that he can't fulfill and afford. In her search for glamour and a dancing career, Amy meets Sam, an older, married man. Even though Sam provides her with the luxurious lifestyle, she begins to feel a void for love and attention. Unwilling to let go of Sam's financial support, Amy becomes involved in another relationship with Robert, who grows suspicious. Amy soon discovers that life in South Beach, not everything is as good as it looks.
Amy, an attractive woman, confuses love with money and becomes a victim of the materialistic lifestyle of South Beach. Her relationship with Nick, a down-to-earth, young architect is great, but Amy has dreams that he can't fulfill and afford. In her search for glamour and a dancing career, Amy meets Sam, an older, married man. Even though Sam provides her with the luxurious lifestyle, she begins to feel a void for love and attention. Unwilling to let go of Sam's financial support, Amy becomes involved in another relationship with Robert, who grows suspicious. Amy soon discovers that life in South Beach, not everything is as good as it looks.
Things are starting to change when a group of mysterious teens move into the small town of Spoon River. All of a sudden, people in the neighborhood are starting to come down with an unexplained disease. In spite of this, one girl is intrigued by the spirits that embraces the newcomers. Will her curiosity be the death of her?