Несколько странное поведение новой служанки с самого начала удивляет членов семьи Лельевр. Может быть, абсолютное бесстрастие — только маска, скрывающая нечто загадочное? Ясно одно — с появлением Софи в доме начинается цепь необычайных событий, в которые вольно или невольно вовлечены все.
Julien, a boy in the sixth grade, was badly depressed by the divorce of his parents. But he soon found that half of the class had come from broken families.
Directed by Amar Laskri.
La prof d'anglais
A clique of four young teachers at a high school looks critically at their colleagues. To avoid falling in the same routine, they bring new ideas into the school lessons and play little games and pranks in their spare time -- sometimes get even more childish than their pupils. When they get opposition from the other teachers, they play tricks to get rid of them.