Costa Nicholas


Отрицание реальности
Dr. Joshua Little
Серьёзный и упрямый пациент оказывается настоящим вызовом для забавного медбрата, который лечит своих пациентов нетрадиционными способами. Тем не менее, он полон решимости показать ему все прелести жизни, даже когда конец так близок.
The Backseat
Mike Peterson
High school social outcasts Roy Offerman and Larry DiMarco struggle to find a drummer for their new punk rock band, Witness My Jehovah. As Roy will learn, sometimes finding the answer to one problem only brings about a host of others. Immediately after finding a drummer, Roy is plagued by a raging case of hemorrhoids. This causes his parents to be confused about his sexuality, and starts up all sorts of new rumors at school. In the most unexpected place, Roy meets his dream girl Samantha. As Roy and Sam's relationship develops, Witness My Jehovah lands their first big gig at a local music venue. When things don't go as planned, Roy is faced with some of the biggest decisions he'll ever have to make.