Hans calls his girlfriend Heinz, which tells you everything you need to know about their relationship. They're a typical couple who're stuck in a rut after eight years. Hans works at a copy shop and Heinz is an actress relegated to voicing a cartoon stoplight. On their anniversary, they go to the movies. It's a romance. But the spark on screen just doesn't strike them. When Hans gives Heinz's ex her phone number instead of putting up a fight over her, Heinz' alarm bells go off: How can this be love? They decided to make a list of everything than makes up a real love: Romance, desire, passion, jealousy, drama – deep feelings, in other words. Hans and Heinz methodically start checking off their list and realize: Real life is nothing like the movies.
A German woman in New York is busy redesigning her life from model to designer, but is forced to live with her husband’s ex-wife when he disappears.
Hans (as Hans Titze)
В пользующемся дурной славой особняке Бруссаров, где восемь лет назад бесследно исчезло шесть человек, а прознавшая об этом хозяйка покончила с собой, Мэдди Кертис, Лилли, Сюзанна и Анжела устраивают вечеринку, на которую заявляются их бывшие дружки Колин и Декс. После того, как шумных гостей увозит полиция, ребята обнаруживают, что их телефоны не работают, ворота поместья заперты и какая-то сверхъестественная сила удерживает их в особняке.