Agnieszka Korzeniowska


Mother's voice
The main character, Ewa, is a young woman at early-stage career of a medical professional. She is taking up training in a futuristic looking Simulation Center, where she practices her skills by participating in life-like simulations, impersonating medical mannequins and role-playing. At some point, she starts losing recognition between experience and simulation. Suffering from insomnia and paranoia, she faces situation where she has to find her way to differentiate reality from fiction.
Список Шиндлера
Ghetto Girl
Лента рассказывает реальную историю загадочного Оскара Шиндлера, члена нацистской партии, преуспевающего фабриканта, спасшего во время Второй мировой войны более тысячи ста евреев. Это триумф одного человека, не похожего на других, и драма тех, кто, благодаря ему, выжил в ужасный период человеческой истории.
Sunday Pranks
Made in 1983, shelved for four years. A chilling tale about kids playing in a bombed-out Warsaw courtyard on the day of Stalin's death, while their parents are away at the church or a memorial procession.