Charbel Haber


Коробка памяти
Жизни трех женщин связаны с неожиданно появившейся коробкой с дневниками, фотографиями и аудиокассетами, которые напоминают о печальном времени в прошлом.
A Certain Nasser
A Certain Nasser is the compelling journey of ninety years old Lebanese filmmaker, Georges Nasser, an idealist who couldn't adapt to his country's failing system but whose eyes still light up at the mention of his greatest love, Cinema.
One of These Days
Beirut, on an autumn day. The city is on the edge of chaos, but for Maya, Tarek, Yasmina and Rami, aged between 17 and 22 years old, it is just an ordinary day during which they question themselves about sex, love and night time hanging out.
Nights and Days
‘Nights and Days’ uses notes written and filmed during summer 2006 as a personal account of the experience of war. The first part, which resembles yet is not a diary of war, oscillates between day-shots and night-shots and features a soundtrack expressing the idea of time passing, awaiting, interrogations and fears experienced in such an unusual time. The second part is a journey to south Lebanon which was devastated during that war. It alternates between peaceful landscapes and ruins and destruction accompanied only by music, as no words could express this devastation. ‘Nights and Days’ questions the relation between image and sound and reflects on notions of ‘beauty’ and ‘horror through images of urban and natural landscapes, where sometimes a detail betrays the presence of war and its violence.