Production Coordinator
Between 1926 and 1927, the Italian intellectual and Communist political figure Antonio Gramsci spent 44 days imprisoned on the island of Ustica, off the northern coast of Sicily. Together with his fellow prisoners, he founded a school. This unique institution was open to all, welcoming people of all ages and social backgrounds, even the illiterate. Ustica still remembers this revolutionary school. Ustica, remote and neglected, still waits patiently at the harbor, hoping that the boat from the mainland will come.
Between 1926 and 1927, the Italian intellectual and Communist political figure Antonio Gramsci spent 44 days imprisoned on the island of Ustica, off the northern coast of Sicily. Together with his fellow prisoners, he founded a school. This unique institution was open to all, welcoming people of all ages and social backgrounds, even the illiterate. Ustica still remembers this revolutionary school. Ustica, remote and neglected, still waits patiently at the harbor, hoping that the boat from the mainland will come.
Between 1926 and 1927, the Italian intellectual and Communist political figure Antonio Gramsci spent 44 days imprisoned on the island of Ustica, off the northern coast of Sicily. Together with his fellow prisoners, he founded a school. This unique institution was open to all, welcoming people of all ages and social backgrounds, even the illiterate. Ustica still remembers this revolutionary school. Ustica, remote and neglected, still waits patiently at the harbor, hoping that the boat from the mainland will come.
Assistant Director
Школа. Два часа дня. Раздается звонок - закончен еще один учебный день и здание пустеет. Внезапно, в дверях появляется человек, вооруженный кувалдой. Это Сабот, учитель, которого выгнали из школы. И то, что первоначально задумывалось, как акт вандализма, превращается в кровавую бойню. Каждый удар Сабота раскрывает нам глубинную подоплеку повествования о преступнике и жертве. И мы обнаруживаем в ней весь тот ужас, который скрывается под поверхностью тривиально повседневной жизни. Насилие над животным естеством - то, что многие люди скрывают и оправдывают каждый день за маской ролей и обязанностей. Каждый день...в этом "гражданском" обществе.
Assunta is struck down by a sudden illness and is rescued by her neighbor, Fatima. The old woman survives but on awakening she discovers that the illness has brought back her past, scarred by the creation of the largest military proving ground in Europe which caused the end of her small community.