Chris Fishel


Making a Macaron
Join Mines N Crafts trio Stef Woodburn, Gina DeVivo, and Amy Dallen as they head to Honey and Butter in Irvine, California to investigate the secrets of les macarons.
Seven Hells
Assistant Director
Seven festival-winning shorts. Seven horrifying and hilarious tales of people trapped in their own special hells. The perfect Halloween movie.
Некая справедливость
First Assistant Director
Вернувшись домой после службы в Ираке, Джон испытывает посттравматическое стрессовое расстройство. То спокойствие, которого ему удалось достичь, рушится в один день, когда он спасает местную девушку от сутенеров…
Incident on Highway 73
Assistant Director
On Christmas eve 2005, Jeff and Kelly took a trip through the desert and mysteriously disappeared. This is the account of their final hours.
Top Priority: The Terror Within
Associate Producer
Federal officer with the Department of Homeland Security discovers a national security breach related to the entry of 23 aliens from terrorist countries into the United States. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner, former head of the DEA Robert Bonner can't afford any more media scrutiny, since his incompetence was already exposed in the NASA 'Challenger' disaster. To avoid the scandal, the full might of the government is unleashed against Julia Davis, her family and witnesses. This retaliation reaches an unprecedented magnitude, including four unexplained deaths, Hollywood and the Mafia, false imprisonments and the use of Blackhawk helicopters and airplanes for warrantless surveillance. Amidst many shocking revelations, this documentary provides a new insight into the deaths of well-known Hollywood figures unwittingly dragged into this scandal. The truth is no longer a secret.