Bob Flag


Девочки из календаря
Alan Rathbone
Хелен Миррен и Джули Уолтерс в потрясающей кинокомедии «Девочки из календаря»! Двенадцать простых членов женского клуба собирают средства на новую благотворительную акцию. Чтобы компания стала эффективной, они решают придать традиционному ежегодному календарю клуба нетрадиционный вид и на обычных фотографиях с пирожками, соковарками и букетами появляются не просто женщины, а совершенно обнаженные дамы!
Cold Light of Day
Dennis Nilsen
February, 1983. Detectives are called to a residential address in the London suburbs following reports that the drains have been clogged by human remains. One of the property’s residents, Dennis Nilsen – a mild-mannered and unassuming civil servant – is brought in for questioning, leading to the discovery of one of the most shocking and disturbing cases of serial murder ever to rock Britain.
Wish You Were Here
Dr Holroyd
In a staid English seaside town after the Second World War, young Lynda grows up with her widowed father and younger sister. Rebellious Lynda has been swearing constantly from an early age. At sixteen, she becomes more exhibitionist and seeks out sexual encounters challenging the prevailing lower-middle class attitudes to sex. She eventually becomes pregnant by an acquaintance of her father.
Wish You Were Here
Mental Patient
In a staid English seaside town after the Second World War, young Lynda grows up with her widowed father and younger sister. Rebellious Lynda has been swearing constantly from an early age. At sixteen, she becomes more exhibitionist and seeks out sexual encounters challenging the prevailing lower-middle class attitudes to sex. She eventually becomes pregnant by an acquaintance of her father.
Съешь богатых
Indecisive Customer
Официант элитного ресторана, измученный издевательством управляющего и клиентами и, в результате, уволенный из него, бездомный и голодный снова терпит надменное отношение со стороны друзей и работников социальной службы. С «братьями по оружию» они наказывают мерзавцев и открывают свой ресторан с новым меню...
Silent Heroes
The Minister
One soldier's fight for survival in Britain's war for the Falkland Islands. A true story.
The Comic
Jim Malone
In a future police state, a stand-up comic murders a competitor for a job, then gets mixed up with a stripper.
Big Brother
Для подавления массовых волнений Океании правящая партия заново воссоздает прошлое и настоящее. За каждым гражданином неусыпно наблюдают, каждому с помощью телевидения промывают мозги. И даже двое любовников вынуждены скрывать свои чувства, поскольку секс и межличностные отношения объявлены вне закона.
Train of Thought
Anthology music film starring Japanese singer-songwriter Yumi Matsutoya. It takes place on a train intercut with a series of flashbacks or daydreams which serve as long-form music videos.
A man with learning difficulties suffers neglect and ill-treatment, and this is only exasperated when his parents die and nobody seems to know what to do with him. A sequel to this film, titled "Walter and June", was released in 1983 and set 19 years later in time. In the United States, these two are sometimes bundled together under the title "Loving Walter".
Director Werner Nekes has created this experimental film in the mode of James Joyce's Ulysses to the extent that human interactions are represented by poetic, symbolic images and language, with a certain amount of nudity added in. ~ Eleanor Mannikka, Rovi
Willie's Last Stand
Pub Pianist
Every man needs just one night out, off the leash. Willie's attempt to prove himself provides a painfully funny and painfully sad comment on the battle of the sexes.