Ersin Aldemir


Things Unheard Of
Ten-year-old Sevîn wants to make a Kurdish-language television for her bedridden and mute grandmother.
In a restaurant, a thief steals a chain watch from a man. This action triggers a chain of coincidences. Finally the watch gets back to where it belongs.
Голубая волна
Сессия была сдана и Дениз не виделась со своими друзьями в течении всего лета. За лето накопилось много впечатлений и планов на будущее, и было чем поделиться при встрече с друзьями. В сравнении с взрослой размеренной и монодневной жизнью, у ребят всегда найдется о чем помечтать. Они ставят себе непростые, а очень обременительные задачи. В отличие от остальных ребят, у Дениз совсем заоблачные планы. Ей видится непонятная, безнадежная любовь, одиночество. Она мечтает увидеть и попасть в Другой мир.
A middle class young man rebels against his father’s brutish authority and seeks a rough romance with a woman of ethnic minority. Yuce’s moral tale draws from the example of today’s Turkish youth and the timeless shadow of fathers over sons.
Five Cities
Aydın is a policeman recently appointed to a new post in Istanbul. While trying to get used to life in the big city, Aydın stumbles upon Mehtap, a young woman who works at a candy shop in Beyoğlu, and he falls for her. But there is no way that Aydın can make Mehtap realize that he even exists, just as Şevket, a young man who has dropped out of law school before starting to sell toy trains on the streets to make a living, cannot make Dilek, another girl who works at the same store, realize his feelings for her. When Dilek and Aydın meet, Aydın diverts his uncontrollable feelings toward Dilek.