Frank Grimes

Frank Grimes

Рождение : 1947-01-01, Dublin, Ireland


Frank Grimes


Dangerous Lady
Benjamin Ryan
No one thinks a seventeen-year-old girl can take on the hard men of London's gangland, but it's a mistake to underestimate Maura Ryan: she's tough, clever and beautiful - which makes her one very dangerous lady. Together, she and her brother Michael are unbeatable but notoriety has its price. The police are determined to put Maura away once and for all - and not everyone in the family think that's such a bad idea. When it comes to the crunch, Maura has to face the pain of lost love in her past - and the dangerous lady discovers her heart is not make entirely of stone.
War of the Buttons
Christian Brother
War between two Irish youth gangs consists of removing and retrieving buttons from each other's clothing.
You, Me & Marley
Mr Hagan
A group of bored Roman Catholic teens from Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom steal cars and joyride around the city, causing havoc among the nearby Protestants and local Irish Republican Army members, all of who are outraged by the youths' nihilism. The gang, led by ace thief Sean (Marc O'Shea), is connected with the IRA but couldn't care less about the group's politics. But things turn serious when an IRA member captures one of the boys, Marley (Michael Liebmann), in an effort to end the mayhem.
The Dive
Sundquist and Eidsvold play the two deep sea divers, who agree to do a quick unscheduled dive before taking their Christmas vacation, to help an oil company who's got a oil-valve caught in a trawl. The dive is to take only 5 minutes, and the divers will get a nice bonus. But things go wrong. The diving bell gets tangled in the trawl, and while trying to hoist up the bell, they tear asunder the oxygen tanks. Suddenly the bell is stuck, and the crew is unable to get it up. Caught in a diving bell at the bottom of the sea, rapidly running out of air, both the divers and the crew on the surface are racing against time to find a solution; how to get the two men up ALIVE!
Августовские киты
Mr. Beckwith
Элегический, мягкий, добрый и полный сострадания рассказ о жизни двух старых сестер. В самом начале картины зритель видит их в черно-белом изображении юными, полными надежд и сил. Они с восторгом наблюдают за китами, подходящими к острову Мэн в августе. Затем изображение незаметно наливается цветом, и мы видим этих же женщин уже престарелыми, и ясно, что смерть не за горами. Куда же улетела целая жизнь и что она с собой унесла? Одна потеряла на войне любимого, другая ослепла, мы знаем, что у нее не сложились отношения с дочерью. Слепая пользуется своим положением и слегка терроризирует свою сестру, но связывает их большая любовь и… одиночество. Август. И так хочется снова увидеть китов…
Deserted by their father and with their mother dead, nine-year-old Pablo and his little sister Maria refuse to be separated from each other by their caretaker aunt. With a cross as their guide, they embark on a perilous, but ultimately rewarding adventure in search of a mystical gem that holds the key to happiness. They escape the fearsome metal hook of a pirate and are helped by a delightfully drunken Captain in their quest for the magic stone.
Госпиталь «Британия»
Sammy / Voice of Genesis: The Media
Комедия абсурда, действие которой происходит в госпитале. Группы непонятно против чего протестующих людей, нетерпеливые пациенты, сумасшедший доктор — вот далеко еще не все участники этого веселого зрелища в жанре черной комедии. Комичность всей этой нерезберихи усиливается еще и визитом Королевы Матери.
Couples and Robbers
Julian Miller
Couples and Robbers is a 1981 English language comedy/crime film written and directed by Clare Peploe, starring Frances Low, Rik Mayall and Peter Eyre. Two couples -- one with all the riches that dreams are made of, the other with only dreams and schemes -- are brought together by the plotting of the poorer couple. A pair of newlyweds wander through the city streets, bickering about their poverty, until they are distracted by the opulent home of a lawyer. Impulsively, the couple makes off with the lawyer's vehicle for one night of extravagant indulgence. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.
Смертельная забава
Strip Show Voyeur
Четверо подростков и один маленький мальчик Джои решают провести ночь в карнавальном поезде — призраке на ярмарке. Они даже не подозревали, что обезображенный сын оператора карусели впал в ярость из — за отказа гадалки вернуть ему деньги и убил ее. Подростки стали невольными свидетелями убийства и вскоре с ужасом поняли, что жить им осталось совсем немного…
The Outsider
Tony Coyle
Michael Flaherty (Craig Wasson), an American Vietnam veteran of Irish descent, returns to Belfast to join the cause of his grandfather, Seamus (Sterling Hayden). Soon he finds that he is not as welcomed in his home country as he imagined he would be. Even worse, he's the target of an IRA assassination plot designed to make the British forces look bad in order to elicit financial support from wealthy Americans.
The Old Crowd
George and Betty, a middle-class English couple, have just moved into a big Edwardian house in London and are throwing a party to celebrate. Unfortunately, after ten days none of their furniture has arrived, having been sent to Carlisle by mistake, three of the four toilets don't work and cracks are starting to appear in the ceiling. However, nothing can dent their determination to have a good time.
Мост слишком далеко
Maj. Fuller
В сентябре 1944 года, после успешного вторжения в Нормандию, союзники готовят тайную операцию «Маркет Гарден»: дерзкий план, призванный быстро положить конец Второй мировой войне путем воздушного налета на Германию и уничтожения всех военных заводов Рейха. Однако, сочетание неудачной боевой тактики, ошибочных разведданных, невезения и плохой погоды привело к катастрофе.
In The Dead Spell
Ian Coleman
When Mr Coleman was alive he found it hard to talk to his son. Since his death he finds it strangely easier.
Королевский блеск
Гротескная комедия, в которой МакДауэлл вынужден выдавать себя за прусского дворянина и жениться на Эклэнд. Много драк, дуэлей на шпагах и пистолетах, погонь и всего остального, свойственного приключенческим фильмам.
And No One Could Save Her
Sam O'Neil
The life of young newlywed, Fern O'Neil, is turned upside-down when her husband is called home to visit his dying father in Ireland. When she fails to receive a phone call from her husband, she contacts the airline and discovers he was not on the plane. Further investigation reveals that her husband is not who she thought he was. Her search ultimately takes her all the way to Ireland, where her sanity and, of course, her story come into question.
Tulips of Haarlem
Pierre Dominique
Two teenagers looking for love find each other in this tragic and cruel story of romance, co-dependence and psychological torment. Pierre (Frank Grimes) is the French boy who saves the British girl Sarah (Carole Andre) from suicide. Despondent over a broken affair, Sarah soon becomes fond of Pierre and agrees to stay with him. The twisted girl puts him through a series of humiliations before she intentionally blinds him so he will never leave her.
The Dying of the Light
Dermot Devereux
Sean Devereux was a British aid worker in Somalia, who upset the authorities and was assassinated as a result.