Pierre-François Créancier


La Morsure
A Catholic schoolgirl is convinced tonight is her last night on Earth and decides to attend a costume party with her best friend.
Sur les chemins noirs
Pierre, a famous explorer and writer, travels regularly through the world. Someday, climbing a hotel frontage while drunk, he falls from high and into a deep coma. When he awakes, he has difficulties walking but, against everyone's advices, he decides to walk through France, following forgotten pathways...
One Year, One Night
Ramón and Céline are a young couple that attended a concert at the Bataclan theatre in Paris on the fateful night of November 13, 2015. They survive the attack, but when they leave the theatre, they are no longer the same. That night leaves a deep scar on both their lives and each tries to cope with the aftermath as best they can. Céline desperately tries to leave the events behind her, clinging to her previous life, while Ramón repeatedly goes back to that night, trying to remember and understand what happened. Nonetheless, they both face the same key question: how to reconnect and move on together?
Белль и Себастьян: Новое поколение
Себастьяну 10 лет. Его отправляют в горную деревню к бабушке, но это совсем не похоже на каникулы мечты. Но все меняется, когда он встречает Белль — огромную белую собаку, с которой плохо обращался хозяин. Они становится настоящими друзьями, и Себастьян готов на все, чтобы защитить Белль. Он даже не подозревает, что его ждут самые захватывающие каникулы в жизни.
Maman, ne me laisse pas m'endormir
Juliette discovers that her teenage son, whom she thought was flourishing, is in reality undermined by a deep malaise and that he has become dangerously dependent on drugs. Determined to get him out of his deadly addiction, and driven by her unconditional love, she embarks on a long and painful fight, alongside her child, without ever giving up on saving him.
Atomic Summer
Victor, in his early 20s, works at the town hall and lives with his girlfriend Charlotte, who is expecting their first child. When an incident happens at the nearby nuclear power plant, he and his high school friends are forced to confine themselves inside a farmhouse, whereas they should have evacuated the area. As the rain is threatening, they are keeping an eye out for the radioactive cloud. The next 24 hours will be crucial.
Небольшой провинциальный городок начала 1980-х годов. Филипп живет в тени своего брата Жерома и вместе с ним работает над пиратским радио из отцовского гаража. Когда Филиппа призывают на военную службу, ему приходится уехать в Западный Берлин. Он полон решимости продолжать вещание, но уже понимает, что его привычный мир находится на грани исчезновения.
Lost and Found
Franck wants a quiet life and a fresh start. After 15 years of a failed theatre career, he finds a seemingly perfect job: museum guard. But that is before he meets Sybille, his neurotic colleague.
Заложница 3
Casting Associate
Жизнь бывшего правительственного агента Брайана Миллса рушится, когда его обвиняют в убийстве, которого он не совершал. Преследуемый опытным инспектором полиции, Миллс пытается отследить настоящего убийцу…
The Man Who Knew a Lot
Mr. Beranger works at Paradesign, a furniture department store where the employees live day and night in the decorations. Himself lives in a show cottage in pasteboard and excels in the promotion of his dachshund footrest. His life seems settled well, until the day when he is promoted to the mysterious thirteenth floor of the store.
The Balconettes
Casting Director
Three women in a Marseille apartment during a heat wave. Opposite them, their mysterious neighbour, the object of all their fantasies. They find themselves trapped in a terrifying and delirious affair, only wishing for freedom.
La Cité des miracles
Toutes pour une
L'échappée belle
Clémence Alpharo, who, in order to get a permanent contract in the company that has just hired her, must push Henri Giffard, a sales representative at the end of his career, towards early retirement. But Giffard refuses. His work is the only thing that still gives meaning to his life. Caught between the prospect of a professional future that would allow her to escape her family history and the unexpected affection she feels for the salesman, Clémence must choose. A choice that will inexorably push Clémence and Henri to the limit.