Tatiana Warden

Tatiana Warden


Tatiana Warden is an American actress, producer and stunt performer.


Tatiana Warden
Tatiana Warden


Mrs. Barnes
Психиатр изучает дневник молодой девушки, чтобы выяснить, почему она убила всю свою семью. По мере исследования, он впадает в состояние бессонницы, его сознание затуманено, и он постепенно сходит с ума.
A Brilliant Monster
Mitch's Mother
Where do you get those brilliant ideas? A question which plagues all creators. They say success comes with a price, but for the story of Mitch Stockridge, an author of self-help books, that price feeds a bigger monster inside of us all. Into the stressful depths of the creative mind, the lengths that one goes through for success, and the anxiety to keep on producing while on top.
Watch Over Us
Production Coordinator
A family living with their grandpa find out that there's more than meets the eyes at their families' barn.
Watch Over Us
Location Manager
A family living with their grandpa find out that there's more than meets the eyes at their families' barn.
Watch Over Us
Camera Operator
A family living with their grandpa find out that there's more than meets the eyes at their families' barn.