Giles Packham


The Man Who Wanted to Fly
Bobby Coote is in his eighties, but he still has a dream: one day he wants to fly. He has built himself a hangar, and he has a runway of sorts, all he needs is a plane. And now he is finally going to buy one and make his dream come true.
Children of the Revolution
Music Director
Inspired by the student revolutions of 1968, two women in Germany and Japan set out to plot world revolution as leaders of the Baader Meinhof Group and the Japanese Red Army. What were they fighting for and what have we learned?
Original Music Composer
Чтобы разорвать отношения между влюбленными Петронеллой и Фергалом, кое-кто способен воспользоваться черной магией и вызвать к жизни Чудовище, начинающее истреблять всех в округе, подбираясь к нашим героям. Незадолго до этих событий появляются два путешественника, также не понаслышке использующие ритуалы и волшебство…