Bryan Chance


Broken Contract
When Max, a down on his luck strip club owner, has his life and livelihood threatened by local gangsters, he turns to his wife's connections for help and hires a hitman to solve the problem once and for all. But before long, Max is blinded by his newfound power and his family finds him spinning off the rails as the body count piles up.
Eleven Days
Sergeant Davis
Ajit Singh, blends in happily in to his new home in the middle of Australia. However, his brother Rajveer, finds it unbearable to be constantly labelled a terrorist due to his beard and turban that he keeps faithfully according to his Sikh heritage. Rajveer then decides to join the army and leaves home after an argument with their dad Sarjit. Fearing for his brother's safety, Ajit goes on a quest to go after Rajveer in order to bring him home. Ajit not only has to survive the outback, he also must to locate Rajveer within elevendays or it will all be too late.
Business Investor
Главная героиня разрабатывает биологический препарат, способный создавать виртуальную реальность в мозгу человека. За несколько дней до начала продаж, её парень случайно умирает от неправильного использования препарата и чтобы избежать срока за убийство, героиня соглашается на тестирование секретной разработки - программы виртуальной тюрьмы.
Послесвадебный разгром
Продолжение похождений бедовых друзей-англичан в Австралии. На сей раз незадачливой троице Дэвиду, Тому и Грэму предстоит через всю страну перевозить гроб с покойным приятелем после того, как их самолет делает непредвиденную высадку в глухой глубинке.
Imperfect Quadrant
A once in lifetime heist brings together four mismatched thieves whose personalities collide with each other. Set against the backdrop of the Australian outback, the thieves are forced into a series of unforgiving events.