When Sid comes out as a woman, a 14 year old boy named RALPH literally shows up at her door announcing that Sid is his dad. Ralph is surprised to discover that his father is now a woman, but thinks having a transgender dad is pretty cool. But Ralph hasn't told his mother and step dad that he’s tracked down his biological father. And then there is Sid’s boyfriend DANIEL, who has yet to tell his family of his relationship with Sid. Daniel is nowhere near ready to accept Ralph as a step son and complicate his life further. Sid’s coming out has a snowball effect that forces everyone out of the closet and become real. What happens when gender, generations and cultures collide to create a truly modern family?
Polygraph Person
A single blind date suffices for handsome gentleman Scott Peterson, a traveling salesman, to seduce Amber Frey all the way. When a colleague finds out about his marriage, she believes him to be a widower. Later however it becomes clear his wife was alive and pregnant, but is missing. Pregnant herself, Amber hears his wife and baby's corpses were found and records his phone calls for the police. Ultimately she's the key witness is his murder trial.
Молодая, но уже не юная Молли — будущая мать-одиночка. По дороге в роддом она знакомится с сердобольным таксистом Джеймсом. И с этого момента Джеймс становится другом молодой мамы и сиделкой для малыша Мики. Казалось бы, все просто. Но дело в том, что у Мики еще до рождения прорезался внутренний голос. То есть малыш все видит, все понимает, просто еще не умеет говорить вслух. Но сам с собой он разговаривает голосом Брюса Уиллиса.