Jon Hyrns


Fanatical birdwatchers have descended upon a small town in the Arkansas bayou in hopes of finding the celebrated Ivory Billed Woodpecker. Declared extinct in the 1940’s, the bird has apparently been spotted by numerous experts. Enter amateur birder and poet Johnny Neander, who has convinced his taciturn sidekick that he will be the one to find the elusive woodpecker. The ensuing chaos divides the small town between believers and non-believers, rabid environmentalists and opportunistic entrepreneurs. Much like the bird itself, Woodpecker explores the intersection of fact and fiction, manipulating our notions of documentary and narrative techniques within a tragic comedy about hope, perception, and some very very strange birds.
Fanatical birdwatchers have descended upon a small town in the Arkansas bayou in hopes of finding the celebrated Ivory Billed Woodpecker. Declared extinct in the 1940’s, the bird has apparently been spotted by numerous experts. Enter amateur birder and poet Johnny Neander, who has convinced his taciturn sidekick that he will be the one to find the elusive woodpecker. The ensuing chaos divides the small town between believers and non-believers, rabid environmentalists and opportunistic entrepreneurs. Much like the bird itself, Woodpecker explores the intersection of fact and fiction, manipulating our notions of documentary and narrative techniques within a tragic comedy about hope, perception, and some very very strange birds.
Johnny Berlin 2: Notes From The Dumpster
Following his four-month sabbatical in Cambodia, we find Johnny broke and couch-surfing in Brooklyn, musing on his experience in the Far East, where he gambled his money away and found himself stranded in Phnom Penh, forced to claim destitution at the U.S. Embassy, with suicidal visions of leaping off of a bridge into the Mekong River. NOTES FROM THE DUMPSTER is the continuing saga of this oddball's journey.
Johnny Berlin
Jon Hyrns is a porter on a refurbished 1930s luxury train. Passengers on the Seattle-to-L.A. trip know him as "Johnny Berlin" - the man responsible for making their beds and cleaning their toilets. We get to know him differently - as a middle-aged, struggling writer with a workaday job and as many dreams as he has beds to clean. He's a true wanderer, whose plan is to spend his savings on a trip to Cambodia to write his long-gestating novel.
Студенческая команда
Bald Guy
Вот уже 35 лет опытный тренер Бад Килмер тренирует студенческую команду под названием «Койоты» из маленького городка в штате Техас. Килмер — требователен и суров, от своих подопечных он непреклонно требует победы, чего бы она ни стоила. Когда в разгар футбольного сезона ведущий игрок «Койотов» получает тяжелую травму, Бад решает поставить на его место паренька по имени Джонатан Моксон. Моксона меньше всего привлекает перспектива стать звездой футбола: ему гораздо более по душе спокойное место на скамейке запасных, подальше от назойливого тренера. Теперь, оказавшись на месте ключевого игрока «Койотов», Моксон должен доказать себе и другим, чего он стоит в действительности. Судьба играет человеком как хочет, но человек способен ее обыграть, а иногда и стать героем…