Birgundi Baker

Birgundi Baker

Рождение : 1992-03-06, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA


Birgundi Angel Baker is an American actor, singer and dancer from Raleigh, North Carolina. She is a graduate of Howard University's Musical Theatre Program. Upon moving to Chicago, she attended the Launch Showcase. After the showcase, Birgundi signed with Gray Talent Group and broke into the world of television of film. Birgundi Angel Baker has been listed by Refinery29 as one of the "Top Actresses To Look Out For in 2018".


Birgundi Baker


Block Party
Recent Harvard grad Keke McQueen, 23, is eager to ditch her hometown of Grand Rapids, Michigan for her dream job in Atlanta, but when Keke discovers that her once super-sharp Grandma Janice is showing early signs of dementia, Keke puts her career at stake in order to save her Grandma's block party, and in the process, Keke falls back in love with her hometown and its people.
Последняя смена
Стэнли собирается уйти на пенсию после нескольких десятилетий работы кассиром в фастфуде. Однако во время его последней смены события принимают неожиданный оборот.
Таскалуса. Райский город
На пороге вступления во взрослую жизнь, выпускник колледжа Билли Митчел меняет свои планы на будущее, когда влюбляется в девушку, которая является пациенткой психиатрической больницы его отца.
Loved To Death
Inspired by actual events, "Loved To Death" follows Monica "Williams" and Jackson's "Freeman" relationship after the two meet over a pair of dropped keys. The couple soon moves in together and are met with financial troubles when Jackson loses his job. Feeling threatened and insecure, Jackson becomes physically abusive towards Monica. She ultimately ends her relationship with Jackson after meeting a fellow church member, but her ex, Jackson, is determined to win her back by any means necessary.