Lux Pascal

Lux Pascal

Рождение : 1992-06-04, Santiago, Chile


Lux Pascal, sister of Pedro Pascal, was born on June 4, 1992 in Santiago de Chile. She is an actress, known for El Príncipe (2019), She, Who Never Smiled for Pictures and Juana Brava (2015).


Lux Pascal
Lux Pascal
Lux Pascal
Lux Pascal


A trans cop with the New York City Police Department goes undercover to make a drug bust.
Mateo, a teenager in a religious family, must decide to follow the religious path of his parents and stay a part of his community or find his own way.
Vidas recicladas
Working in a recycling factory, a group of people come together and decide to restart their lives finding themselves through love and self-improvement.
Extinct Animals
On their last field trip before graduation, a group of male classmates blow off steam in the woods before entering the real world. But for one of them, the rocky road to adulthood starts early.
Hay ropa tendida
In a dystopian Chile, during Pascual's birthday (18), his friends come up with a game: to do a panty hunt in the building where the single women have just arrived. Pascual cheats to avoid hurting a woman and is discovered by the 19-year-old Zángano, who threatens him by telling him that if he doesn't hurt a woman, he will hurt his younger sister Olivia, aged 12.
Danny 'El Rucio'
20-летний Жайме отбывает срок за убийство по пьяни близкого друга. В тюрьме юноша находит себе влиятельного покровителя по кличке Жеребец. Страстные отношения мужчин помогают им противостоять окружающей дикости, под защитой любовника Жайме становится Принцем.
This Is Cristina
Cristina and Susana have been best friends since high school. Now, both over 30 years old, they are still living like they did in their teenage years. Or maybe they never grew up.
I Don’t Want to Be Your Brother
A 34-year-old man asks his girlfriend for marriage the same day that his sister Constanza arrives at his house, which will test his great differences.
Attitude Test
Four high school seniors steal an important college entrance exam and go on vacation to "study," but accidentally lose the exam while partying.
Con Amor
In Santiago, Chile, a single mother is faced with a difficult decision - morality is pitted against vengeance, empathy versus family.
Бесконечная поэзия
Юный Алехандро переезжает в Чили, где находит свое призвание и становится поэтом. Здесь он освобождается ото всех оков, от своей семьи, от наставлений отца. Знакомится с молодыми поэтами и обретает музу.
A woman who is progressively losing her memory faces the harsh reality of a family illness that has no turning back.
Детский душ
Union of Knowledge
Четыре бывшие одноклассницы собираются в загородном доме, что бы отпраздновать беременность одной из них…