Sandy Lopicic


Лети, майский жук!
Ранняя весна 1945-го года, небогатый район Вены. Близок конец войны и связанная с ним пора надежд. Семья менее чем скромного достатка: дедушка-часовщик, бабушка-домохозяйка, папа — раненый солдат немецкого вермахта, а потом и дезертир, мама и сестра. Перенеся невзгоды войны, им предстоит пережить конец Третьего рейха и освобождение Австрии советскими солдатами, видевшими в них врагов.
Did the Nazis ever see Charlie Chaplin's 'The Great Dictator'? Yugoslavia, 1942 - The young Serbian projectionist Nikola Radosevic decides to teach the German oppressors a lesson they won't forget. The beginning of a true and astonishing World War II resistance story.
The Fatherless
They never expected Kyra to turn up again. The two brothers and their sister, brought together when their father dies, are stunned by the appearance of their sister.Kyra suddenly vanished over twenty years ago during the breakup of the hippie commune where they were all born. She is like a stranger to them now... but when she discovers that her very existence has been kept secret, she starts to uncover old mysteries. And soon all the brothers and sisters find themselves unearthing the roots of their childhood memories they had suppressed in order to survive. In her debut feature film Marie Kreutzer embarks upon an intriguing and disturbing journey into the past, a gripping study of belonging and solitude, bonds and freedom. Written by Novotny & Novotny Film