Denise Grey

Denise Grey

Рождение : 1896-09-17, Chatillon, Valle d'Aosta, Italy

Смерть : 1996-01-13


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Denise Grey, real name Édouardine Verthuy, was a French actress. Édouardine Grey was born Châtillon, in the Aosta Valley in north-west Italy, close to the French border. The city was almost totally French-speaking at the time. She was naturalized French on July 13, 1922. She started working in the film industry in 1915 in the silent film En famille, an adaptation of the novel by Hector Malot, before dedicating herself to theatre. She went back to working in films, now talkies, in the 1930s. She came to fame in the 1940s with films such as Monsieur Hector (1940), Boléro (1942) or Devil in the Flesh (1947). Old age did not put an end to her career. For example, in 1972, she starred in a French television series called Les Rois maudits. Thanks to the film La Boum, in which she plays "Poupette", the great-grandmother of Sophie Marceau, she gained recognition from a new audience growing up in the 1980s. She was a member of the Comédie-Française between 1944 and 1946 and between 1957 and 1958. She had a daughter: Suzanne Grey, also an actress, who was born on 28 June 1917 and died on 13 December 2005. In 1986, she sang Devenir vieux (Becoming Old). She died in 1996, a few months before reaching the age of 100. She rests next to her husband in the cemetery of Arradon (Morbihan).


Denise Grey


La soupière
No wonder Germaine, Madame Dubard's new maid, has funny manners: it's just her day job. At night, she's working the streets of Pigalle. When Mrs Dubard's nephew visits his aunt, he thinks he has already seen this lovable blonde somewhere.
Le Gaffeur
la mère de Gabriel
A good country priest discovers that he is a father and must assume his role, a task all the more delicate since his son is a thug.
Le jardin d'Eponine
She is not very brilliant, Eponine's career ... But what, there is not only the theater in life! Good year bad year, rouspous and vehement, she manages to find a good life, surrounded by her sister, of her mother, her dog and her doves ... And above all, in the middle of her wonderful piece of garden which she cares for with love ... Originally it was a play written by Maria Pacôme, premiered on September 25, 1981 at the Comédie des Champs Elysées (directed by Gérard Vergez). This piece was specially recorded (without audience) for television in March 1984, at the Buttes-Chaumont and broadcast on Antenne 2.
La vie est trop courte
Mme Lambert
En cas de guerre mondiale, je file à l'étranger
Madame Toussaint mother
Бум 2
После событий, происшедших в «Буме», прошло два года. Вик из угловатого подростка превратилась в хорошенькую девушку. Ей уже пятнадцать. И, как нередко случается в этом возрасте, она уверена, что жизнь уже прожита. Но вдруг — случайная встреча в поезде с голубоглазым блондином… И вновь влюбленной, вновь почувствовавшей вкус к жизни девушке предстоит пережить немало волнений. Темпераментные родители Вик по-прежнему не знают покоя, будоража себя и окружающих. И, разумеется, изящнее остальных выглядит в окружающем океане жизни бойкая прабабушка Пупетта.
Школьница Вик влюбилась в своего одноклассника. Танцы, вечеринки, первые поцелуи, встречи и расставания, ссоры и примирения… А у родителей жизнь тоже полна приключений, и не только из-за дочери.
La venus de Milo
Mais qui donc m'a fait ce bébé?
A car salesman journeys to France and encounters an apparently lonely woman. He immediately begins to successfully woo her only to learn that she is actually a baron's wife. Fortunately, the baron believes in open marriages and winds up hiring the Englishman to teach his son (from an earlier marriage) everything about automobiles. Meanwhile the car salesman finds himself falling seriously in love with the wife. The baron really doesn't mind as he himself is involved with another.
Le mari, la femme et la mort
Julie, la voisine
La Maison de campagne
Baroness de Bocquigny
What to do, and what not to do, when one is building or renovating a house.
Le minotaure
Mrs. Boudard mother
Респектабельная мадам Мари Поль проигрывает в казино на Лазурном берегу астрономические суммы, регулярно получаемые от мужа-миллионера. Много лет назад, она жила в крохотном французском городке, едва сводя концы с концами. Ее мать, умирая, умоляла дочь соглашаться на все, лишь бы не жить в нищете. После смерти матери молодая Мари начала настоящую охоту на мужчин, чтобы всегда иметь на обед свою «тарелку супа»…
Love and the Frenchwoman
La belle-mère ('Le divorce')
The seven stages in the life of the modern Frenchwomen are disclosed by seven directors in a witty way: 1 - Childhood, 2 - Adolescence, 3 - Virginity, 4 - Marriage, 5 - Adultery, 6 - Divorce, 7 - The Single Woman.
Le confident de ces dames
La Comtesse
A Dog, A Mouse and a Sputnik
Marguerite Martin
A French animal lover protects a dog and a mouse wanted by Soviet scientists for their space program.
Mimi Pinson
The grandmother
Dany Robin plays the title character in the French comedy Mimi Pinson. The plot is strictly formula stuff, with Mimi being thwarted on all sides by those who have designs on her money and her virtue. Happily, our heroine triumphs over her foes and predators, finding true romance in the arms of Raymond Pellegrin.
Le tombeur
Yes, Doudou (or, more respectfully, Edouard Doucin) is both heir to a big sugar refinery and its managing director but he is also an incorrigibly bashful bachelor, which just exasperates his aunt Agatha. Summoned to marry as soon as possible, Doudou is fortunate enough to meet Babette , an elegant young lady who wishes to introduce him to her parents. When he comes to visit them, he mistakes the floor out of nervousness. In fact,he finds himself at the Lautiers' not the Olivaros'. Now, chance has it that this couple of shopkeepers also have a marriageable daughter. And as Poupette is romantic, passionate and adorable, Doudou can't find the nerve to disappoint her. As a result the young man gets engaged...twice ! How the devil will he cope ?
In Six Easy Lessons
Jeanne Sandret
A bossy count has trouble marrying off any of his six sons. When one of them, Adam, finally makes wedding arrangements, something happens to his bride to be: she develops amnesia after an accident.
Carve Her Name with Pride
Mrs. Bushell
London, England, during World War II. After living a tragic life experience, young Violette Szabo joins the Special Operations Executive and crosses the German enemy lines as a secret agent to aid a French Resistance group.
Sylviane de mes nuits
Mrs. Anita de Santos
Michel Lenoir, a successful interior designer, has reached the middle of his life without ever getting married. A bit blue over it he dreams one night of a beautiful young woman. When he wakes up he is persuaded that this is the girl meant for him. He can't help thinking about her, talking about her, drawing her figure, her face, her eyes on paper. He even gives her a name: Sylviane. Later on, as he is holidaying in Portugal, he notices a charming girl swimming in the pool he is in. No doubt about it : he has found Sylviane. He follows her, talks to her, woos her and they are soon married. However, back in Paris, Michel realizes that Betty, an articulate sports writer, is not the idealized woman his brain had conceived. Things go awry and the couple is about to separate when well-meaning friends intervene and open up Michel's eyes : he must base his love story on everyday reality not on idle dreaming.
Пешком, верхом и на машине
Marguerite Martin
Сказка о любви богатого парня и девушки из простой семьи бухгалтера со счастливым концом…
Une nuit aux Baléares
Marguerite Vargas
During the First World War, the Empyrée Montmartre, a Paris music-hall, is dedicated to patriotic revues whose star is the charming Mitsou. The young artist is not without talent but she is mainly well-connected. She is indeed the cherished mistress of Pierre Duroy-Lelong, a rich industrialist. One night, thanks to Petite-Chose, an ebullient singer-dancer and her co-star, she gets to know a handsome army, Lieutenant Bleu. Mitsou falls madly in love with him and Lieutenant Bleu is physically attracted to her. The trouble is that Bleu comes from a distinguished family and cannot put up with her lack of culture and artistic bad taste...
The Seducer
La mamma di Jacqueline
Alberto is forced to face his wife and his two lovers at the same time.
Такие разные судьбы
Mme Durand-Perrin
Когда-то название французской деревушки Трезиньян знала вся Европа — ведь именно здесь родилось сразу пять мальчиков- близнецов. Однако, когда юноши выросли, отец поссорился с ними и выгнал из дома — в большую жизнь. Прошло 20 лет. Старейшины деревни решили помирить отца с сыновьями, а заодно и отпраздновать это событие с привлечением самого президента республики. В поход за братьями был отправлен их крестный — доктор Болен. Старому врачу предстоит пять удивительных разноплановых встреч с подросшими близнецами. К счастью всей деревни, ему удастся вернуть братьев в родные стены дома и помирить их с отцом. Ну, а самое главное и удивительное в этой истории, что жена одного из братьев родила в этот судьбоносный день сразу шесть близняшек, вновь прославив деревеньку на всю Европу.
Служебная лестница
Mme Thévenot, la mère d'Aline
Молодая девушка Мари-Луи находит временный приют у фотографов, работающих в самодеятельном театре, повествуя им о своей работе служанкой у разного рода людей…
Апрельская рыбка
Clémentine Prévost
Поддавшись на уговоры энергичного продавца, наивный механик Эмиль тратит все деньги, выделенные из семейного бюджета на покупку стиральной машины, на набор рыболовных снастей. Не осмелившись признаться в содеянном своей жене Шарлоте, Эмиль, сославшись на срочную работу, отправляется вместе со своим сыном на рыбалку. По дороге они заезжают к кузине Эмиля Аннетт, с которой Эмилю в силу сложившихся обстоятельств приходится разыгрывать семейную пару перед женой любовника Аннетт…
La princesse Dikvona
Gregory Iefommovich Raspoutine is a monk with healing powers and a liking for debauchery who manages to insinuate himself into the court of the Romanoffs thanks to Princess Dikvona. Being the only person able to heal he son of Czar Nicolas II and Czarina Alexandra from his hemophilia, he becomes a very powerful man, which infuriates many.A group of nobles, determined to save the monarchy, start conspiring to murder him.
Корсары Булонского леса
Mme Grossac
Гектор, Адела и Сиприан — уличные певцы без су в кармане, которые встречают в Булонском лесу Каролину Гроссак (Вера Норман), девушку богатого промышленника (Жан Озенн). Они убеждают Каролину принять участие в их проекте. Всей компанией изготавливают плот и отправляются в путешествие…
Спальня старшеклассниц
Mme Hazard-Habran, la directrice
В престижном колледже Мермона происходит убийство Летиции Берг, одной из лучших воспитанниц. Утром ее нашли связанной и задушенной в спальне, где находились еще 17 девочек. Для расследования этого дела приезжает инспектор Марко - ему поручено поймать убийцу.
Le Père de Mademoiselle
Isabelle Marinier
Mme Valender - la mère de Julietta et Martine
По роману Луизы де Вильморен. Жюльетту (Дани Робен), почти школьницу, выдают замуж за богатого мужчину средних лет, чего Жюльетте страшно не хочется. В канун свадьбы она затевает розыгрыш, цель которого убедить окружающих, что семейный адвокат (Жан Маре) - ее давний любовник. Добивается Жюльетта в основном того, что все, включая надменную невесту (Жанна Моро) уже обрученного адвоката, начинают потихоньку сходить с ума.
Турне Великих Князей
la baronne
Не сословные предрассудки, а благоразумие и извечное женское кокетство заставляют юную наследницу баронского замка Брижжит охлаждать пыл влюбленного в неё Гастона, сына нотариуса. Для пущего эффекта девушка даже придумывает себе любовника – певца из парижского кабаре «Ла Пуэрта». Горя желанием разобраться с соперником, Гастон готов немедленно ринуться в Париж и находит для этого уважительный в глазах старшего поколения предлог. Молодой человек берется пригласить группу столичных артистов на благотворительный прием вдовствующей баронессы, собирающей пожертвования на ремонт деревенской колокольни. Недостаток жизненного опыта не позволяет Гастону исполнить этот план, так что вскоре сама баронесса со «свитой» вынуждена отправиться в Париж, чтобы отыскать в бесчисленных кабаре своего посланца и исчезнувший вместе с ним солидный гонорар.
Hello… I love you
Mrs. Dupuis
Since he met Odette, Pierre thinks only of her. Every day, he calls her saying only "Hello...I love you". Then he manages to get hired in the factory where Odette works...
Les petites Cardinal
Mrs. Cardinal
Napoleon III, the Commune, the third Republic in the background. In the foreground, two pretty, talented sisters, Virginie and Pauline Cardinal. They are ballerinas at the Opera de Paris and very much courted by wealthy, elegant men. They will manage to climb in the society of their time, despite parents set on respectability but also attracted by money.
Tomorrow We Get Divorced
Mrs. Tourelle
Max and Colette often bother the lawyer Vermorel to initiate divorce proceedings, then everything calms down. An anonymous letter escalates the disputes, it borders on disaster but living together has obvious charms.
Tête blonde
Isabelle Truche
When he finds a package in the metro, given this period of restrictions, Mr. Truche thinks it may be a good deal, he takes it home but discovers a woman's head inside. A friend of Mr. Truche having just disappeared, the superintendent accuses her of having murdered her and discovers the head buried in his cellar. But the girlfriend, whom Mr. Truche loves platonically, returns from the countryside and at the same time we spot the assassin of the unknown woman.
My Friend Sainfoin
The honeymoon in Italy of Guillaume and Eugénie de Puycharmois escorted by friend Sainfoin, a second-hand driver. Sainfoin's humor displeases Eugenie. Guillaume takes the wheel in such a way that it is necessary to hire a "driver", Yolande. Jealous, Eugenie asks Sainfoin to conquer Yolande. In the working car, two happy couples drive through the Italian landscapes.
Round of Hours
A singer who has become voiceless is forced to leave his wife and children. He will become famous again as a clown.
Нет уик-эндов y нашей любви
Это музыкальный фильм об эстрадном певце, его поклонниках и драмах, скрытых от глаз зрителя. Но на следующий день артисты выступают как ни в чём не бывало…
Rome Express
A valuable painting has been stolen from an art gallery in Paris.. On a train travelling between Paris and Rome, Zutra, a mysterious and sinister character, tries to find the stolen painting.
Bonheur en location
Saint-Aignan needs a family. He hires people to act as his people to achieve his goal: to succeed in the business world.
Une femme par jour
La Duchesse de Kerentrec
Following a winning game, a young man finds himself at the head of the harem of an oriental prince who has seven wives. One of them escapes, replaced by the young girl her family wants the young partygoer to marry. Everything ends in songs and as desired.
Et dix de der
A police inspector tries to capture international robbers who are actually also police.
Square of Knaves
Mme de la Bastide
Summoned by his mother to plead, a very young lawyer has a trio of pathetic criminals acquitted. The daughter of one of them reveals to the lawyer that the three accomplices hoped to find food and board in prison. For the beautiful eyes of the young girl, Master of La Bastide attaches the three rogues to his service. Disasters, confusion, clumsiness follow one another until the planned wedding.
A rich girl is in love with her father-in-law 's librarian. The wealthy man wants her to marry a military man but she's not prepared to accept it. She rebels and marries the poor guy. This young man has a cousin, who seems secretly in love with him but in fact we 'll never know what she feels. This mysterious sad woman, always dressed in black, gives her relative a strange box which seems to be a bad luck charm. The hand of fate seems on the newlyweds now:the husband involuntarily causes a car crash: his wife is killed.
Devil in the Flesh
Madame Grangier
In France during World War I, Marthe waits for her husband, Jacques, while he fights on the front lines. Marthe then begins a tempestuous affair with 17-year-old François, with whom she had a dalliance before marrying Jacques. Jealous François struggles with the fact that Marthe is married, while she tries to prove her devotion to her young, hotheaded lover. Things become even more complex when Marthe becomes pregnant with Jacques' baby.
Шесть потерянных часов
Madame de Witt
Иногда сходство с известной персоной может иметь тяжёлые последствия. Так, прибыв на вокзал, один пассажир поезда, чтобы скоротать время до отправки следующего, решает осмотреть город. Но его удивительная схожесть с его превосходительством Леопольдом де Виттом играет с ним злую шутку…
We Request a Household
Sabine Robinet
Pierre and Jacques, one of them being disguised as a woman, work for a wacky scientist to find a treasure hidden in his property by Pierre's uncle.
Неуловимый Фредерик
Miss Baxter
Детективы плодовитой писательницы Соланж Дельмон пользуются успехом у публики, хотя пресса устами анонимного журналиста Б.Б. и пытается обвинить романистку во вредном влиянии, оказываемом ею на молодежь. Проблемам мадемуазель Дельмон готов посочувствовать её новый сосед Ришар Ферне, и постепенно Соланж открывает ему свои творческие замыслы и знакомит с персонажем будущей книги – поездным вором Фредериком. Однако созданные фантазией писательницы методы ограблений вымышленного Фредерика внезапно начинают воплощаться в жизнь.
Strange Fate
Patrica is the wife of Alain de Saulieu, a handsome engineer. She unfortunately loses her husband, who is killed in action during a battle of the First World War. At least, this is only the official truth, for Alain is not dead. Patricia indeed recognizes him one day. But the inverse does not work the other way around: Alain has become amnesiac and he does not remember her. And worst of all, he lives in a conjugal relationship with Germaine, his dedicated nurse, who is now pregnant by him. What has the future in store then for the three (not to say four) of them?
The Ideal Couple
Diavalo is the popular hero of French serials circa 1912. Diana is an actress who falls in love with Diavalo. Diavalo is forced to wear a series of disguises to elude the police so he can attend a Gala for the President.
Madame et son flirt
The pseudo-cousin Léa
To take revenge on her husband with whom she often has heated discussions, a young woman looks for a flirt, to whom she makes life difficult, without giving him anything, because she is still in love with her husband.
The Queer Assignment
Mme Brockseller
A young man, Robert Dupont, with suicidal tendencies and a bit stupid to boot, is saved by a stranger who pretends to be a well-known banker. This stranger then entrusts him with a suitcase full of mysterious documents, which he asks him to take with him to Indochina. But in reality, the suitcase is stuffed with banknotes from a scam.
Подвалы Мажестика
Madame Van Bell
День у Артура Донжа, скромного буфетчика отеля «Мажестик», не задался с самого утра: по дороге на работу у велосипеда спустило колесо, Донж опоздал на службу, а в своем шкафчике в раздевалке обнаружил труп задушенной постоялицы отеля... Состояние и респектабельность не уберегли мадам Петерсен от тревог, не зря в ее кармане был найден заряженный револьвер. И хотя в светском окружении богатой шведской дамы хватало недоброжелателей, комиссар Мегрэ в ходе своего расследования приходит к однозначному выводу: опасалась она именно Донжа.
L'aventure est au coin de la rue
Madame Laurat-Dossin
A rich young man, Pierre Trévoux, has a desire for adventure and boasts of his courage. While he is staying with friends in the countryside, his hosts, to play a trick on him, organize a fake burglary, but he discovers the hoax. When he returns home, he finds his house broken into. Convinced that the game continues, he does not understand that he is dealing with real gangsters. His recklessness allows him to rout the criminals.
Adieu Léonard
Bernardine Leonard
A bungling thief is threatened by one target with blackmail, unless the thief will kill his own cousin, a wealthy eccentric who is considered the village idiot.
Retour de flamme
The professional and sentimental misadventures of Maurice, a young engineer who works unsuccessfully on the development of a new model of airplane.
Vingt-cinq ans de bonheur
Élisabeth Castille
Comedy about an older man wanting to marry a younger woman who must make sure first that the woman is not by chance his own daughter.
Des jeunes filles dans la nuit
Andrée's mother
Six young boarding girls return home unexpectedly after their college has been destroyed by fire. Their unexpected presence arouses melodramatic reactions.
The Honorable Catherine
Catherine's technique to sell her clocks is to blackmail illegitimate couples such as Jacques and Gisèle. However when Gisèle's husband Pierre walks in on them, Catherine pretends to be Jacques's lover to save the day. Jacques then gets caught up in her schemes when the next couple she deals with turn out to be jewel thieves who kidnap them.
The Blue Veil
Madame Volnar-Bussel
In 1914, in the first months of World War I, Louise Jarraud loses her husband, killed on the front. Shortly after, she gives birth to a baby, who soon dies. Devastated by this double misfortune, Louise decides to dedicate her life to caring for the children of others. She becomes a nurse with several employers, giving her affection to little boys or girls. A widower and another man propose to her but she refuses twice determined as she is to live only for the children in her charge.
Threesome Romance
Loys Erland
From three successive marriages, Loys Erland had three very different boys: Charles, a convinced sportsman, Marcel, who runs a bank and Pierre, a young composer. All three meet, then reunite with the lovely Huguette. Everyone is courting. Charles seems favored, but Huguette ultimately slips away. The three brothers will thus see their mutual friendship and trust strengthened.
Anne-Marie Houillier
As her neighbor Rémi Courmont has told her off for making his ears bleed with Ravel's Bolero, a music piece she plays at full volume all the time, Anne-Marie decides to get even with him. She sets up a hoax with the complicity of her friend Catherine, who agrees to post as Remi's mistress to embarrass him. Just then, Niquette, Rémi's real lover, resurfaces.
Montmarte on the Seine
Maurice loves Juliet and Michael loves Lily. Romance blossoms on the hill. They are workers, artisans, and Lily has a real talent as a singer. But Claude's arrival brings trouble to their relationships. Maurice, jealous, approaches Lily. Singing in the streets, Lily quickly becomes a cabaret star.
Monsieur Hector
Maroussia de Dragomir
In a palace in Nice, a modest valet is confused with his master, a viscount chased by a man-eater.
Trois artilleurs à l'opéra
Serge Panine
Lady Harton
A mother kills a very vile character, Prince Panin, with whom her adopted daughter has fallen in love and who has married, for her money, the natural daughter.
Trois artilleurs au pensionnat
Three happy reservists are doing a military period. One evening out and about, thinking they were going back to the barracks, they enter a boarding school for young girls. They exchange their uniforms for the dresses of three teachers, which launches them into a series of incredible adventures for a few days.
La dame de Vittel
In Paris, Jean Bourselet, a great lover of pretty women, meets the charming Madeleine, whom men are not afraid of, and whose husband is a hotelier in Vittel. Provided with a note from his doctor, Bourselet goes off to Vittel. His wife Henriette, on her guard, joins her there and discovers that her husband is pretending to be a widower to better woo his beautiful. Henriette declares herself a widow, and flirts with a man. The lesson will bear, and after a few adventures, Bourselet is delighted to find his wife.
Jeunes filles à marier
Well-to-do Simone replaces her music-hall friend Yahne when her wealthy uncle visits from America.
Nemrod et compagnie
Mme Culver