Suniti Mitra


The Garden of Bancharam
Art Direction
The story of an old peasant,Bancharam (Mitra),who defeats the tyrannical landlord Chhakari (Dey).Inheriting a dry patch of land, Bancharam converts it into a fabulous garden.The British magistrate supports him when Chhakari attempts to acquire the garden, after which he dies. Chhakari's son Nakari tries a new stratagem: he promises Bancharam Rs 400 every month provided Bancharam bequeaths his garden to the landowner after his death. Bancharam agrees but amazingly becomes healthier with every passing day, repeatedly promising to die but failing to do so.
Art Direction
A child princess gets a harmonium from her father. Through fate and manager she is orphan, then widow and penniless. The harmonium, sold, changed hand and bringing ill-luck wherever it went. Will they ever meet? Under what circumstances?
Art Direction
A patriotic doctor lends moral backbone to the broken society of Bengal.
Under the Blue Sky
Art Direction
Set in the turbulent 1930s, this is the story of a poor Chinese hawker selling his merchandise, Chinese silk, in the streets of Calcutta. This was the time when China was repulsing a brutal attack of militarist Japan and when an outraged Rabindranath Tagore wrote to his friend in Japan, the great poet Noguchi: “I wish your countrymen, whom I love so much, not success but remorse”. This film holds the dubious distinction of being the first to be banned (though temporarily) in independent India.
Art Direction
В поисках заработка кабулиец Рохмот покидает родной Афганистан и отправляется в Индию. В Калькутте он встречает девочку Мини. Мини очень напоминает Рохмоту его маленькую дочь, оставленную на родине. Дружба с Мини — единственная радость в трудной жизни Рохмота. Но неожиданные обстоятельства лишают бедняка и этого. Рохмот попадает в тюрьму за то, что ударил человека, оскорбившего его. Проходят годы. Рохмот вновь на свободе. Он разыскивает свою любимицу — Мини. Но Мини уже не ребенок — она не узнает Рохмота. Видя отчаяние Рохмота, родители Мини решают помочь ему уехать на родину к своей дочери.
Art Direction
Raikamal narrates the story of Rai Kamal, a devotee of Lord Krishna. Rai Kamal and Ranjan are childhood sweethearts. When Ranjan grows up he wishes his desire to marry Rai but his parents are against this match as they are Brahmins and Rai Kamal was a low caste Vaishnav.