Arnaud Cassand

Arnaud Cassand


Arnaud Cassand


Abbé Pierre - A Century of Devotion
Le préfet
Born and raised a catholic, Henri Groues is determined to become a priest. WWII begins and decides otherwise : he joins the Resistance. Losing a friend on the battlefield, facing the horrors of war but the beauty and strengh of brotherwood Henri Groues emerges as a new man : L’Abbé Pierre. From the end of WWII to his death in 2007 L’Abbé Pierre will live many lives and face many battles. State representative, founder of Emmaus, L’Abbé Pierre will fight for the homeless and give a voice to the speechless. A French figure, L’Abbé Pierre met Charlie Chaplin, De Gaulle, Einstein... A humanist, he met everyone in needs. His dedication earned him the respect of his peers and a place in every hearts. His impact earned him a place in History.
Kitchen Brigade
Soccer coach
Cathy is a sous-chef wanting to open a restaurant. With financial difficulties, Cathy accepts a job at a shelter for young migrants. At first she hates the job then her passion for cuisine starts to change children's lives.
Main basse sur le magot
Paris of the 1930s, in the world of little rascals. Loulou gus is in the shade. To get a clean crust, it needs sorrel, fuzzy, dough. Especially since he owes a package to Pierrot's band that is close to making his skin. But Loulou is madly stiff. Luckily, Paul, who has a crush on her, spins in a small jewelry store. This is the perfect breakage opportunity. From a frill-frac behind the fagots. But Jo, Loulou's acolyte, who has no gas on all the floors, promises us not the breakage of the century, but at least the breakage of the evening… And then the Mother Mercandieux, jeweler of father in girl, is not ready to leave his jewelry to this band of thugs ... Especially since Paul is not going to let himself be told too long. So beware, there’s going to be some mayhem!
Main basse sur le magot
Paris of the 1930s, in the world of little rascals. Loulou gus is in the shade. To get a clean crust, it needs sorrel, fuzzy, dough. Especially since he owes a package to Pierrot's band that is close to making his skin. But Loulou is madly stiff. Luckily, Paul, who has a crush on her, spins in a small jewelry store. This is the perfect breakage opportunity. From a frill-frac behind the fagots. But Jo, Loulou's acolyte, who has no gas on all the floors, promises us not the breakage of the century, but at least the breakage of the evening… And then the Mother Mercandieux, jeweler of father in girl, is not ready to leave his jewelry to this band of thugs ... Especially since Paul is not going to let himself be told too long. So beware, there’s going to be some mayhem!
Таинственное происшествие в Лувре
Maton 2
Четвертый фильм из телевизионного цикла "Тайна Парижа / Mystère à Paris", повествующего о событиях конца XIX века, произошедших во французской столице. Париж, 1883 год. Меркурий, известный грабитель, которым парижское общество восхищается и которого боится, на самом деле женщина благородных кровей - графиня Констанс де Куланж, собирающаяся совершить новое дерзкое ограбление - похитить из Лувра драгоценности императрицы Евгении. Для достижения своих целей она привлекает эквилибриста Фредерика. Но музей находится под усиленной охраной, и главный инспектор Тенар тоже не дремлет...
Руби успевает спрятать награбленные деньги прежде, чем угодить в тюрьму, где знакомится верзилой Квентином. Теперь они вместе ломают голову над тем, как выбраться на волю и вытащить деньги из тайника... К тому же Руби мечтает отомстить своим бывшим компаньонам, ответственным за смерть его возлюбленной! Но вот как-то им все время не везет! Однако, не даром говорят, если долго мучиться...