Mahmut Gökgöz


Yuvaya Dönüş
Sorma Neden?
Aşık Veysel
Tehlikeyle Flört
Dino Dayı
The story of a Kurdish newspaper whose journalists are under the constant threat of being abducted and killed by the state security forces.
Başhekim Dr. Metin
A suicide case is informed to the police from a mental hospital in a rocky district. Two policemen comes to hospital to investigate the case. In the same morning, Dr. Deniz comes to hospital as the new psychiatrist. Because of the heavy rain and landslide the only road and telephone connections that provide access to hospital from the city are damaged.There is no transportation to hospital and none can leave hospital. During three days, three patients are killed wildly in the hospital. Everyone becomes anxious. The police deepen the investigation. A mystical patient attracts attention.
Мой отец и мой сын
Мать маленького Дениза умерла при родах в сентябре 1980 года, когда в Турции случился военный переворот. И вот спустя семь лет мальчик отправляется с отцом в крестьянское хозяйство своего родного деда, которого он никогда не видел. Причина этого — ссора между отцом и дедом. В смутное время отправил Хусейн Эфенди своего сына Садыка в большой город учиться, а тот, как и многие молодые люди того периода, впутался в политические события, чем и навлек на себя гнев отца.
Şeytan Bunun Neresinde?
Foto Kamil
Yusuf and Kenan
Yusuf, 14, and Kenan, 9, are two shepherd brothers. When their father was killed as a result of a blood feud, children flee to Istanbul to find their only relative, uncle Ali. However all efforts to find him fail. They meet a street kid named Bocek (insect) under the brutal conditions of the big city. And Insect introduces them Carpik (crooked), a young man who does illegal activities. Carpik suggests Yusuf to work together. Desperate Yusuf accepts this and starts burglary with him. On the other hand Kenan has a modest personality and resists.