Craig Syracusa

Craig Syracusa


Craig Syracusa


The film takes place in the Priests office in a Brooklyn parish. It's told in flashbacks and gives the audience a chance to witness the inner workings of this horrible association that has destroyed families and communities throughout the country. The main character who is played by world champion boxer Paul Malinaggi is full of emotion and personal experiences that plays as an eye opening to anyone that has lost or steered away from God. Paul is so charismatic that in the end you will not only feel for this man you will understand his pain and the need for redemption. The film stares Will Wallace (Tree of life) Joe Estevez, Adam Nelson ( Mystic River) Joe D' Onofrio (Bronx Tale) Carmen Argenziano(God Father)
The film takes place in the Priests office in a Brooklyn parish. It's told in flashbacks and gives the audience a chance to witness the inner workings of this horrible association that has destroyed families and communities throughout the country. The main character who is played by world champion boxer Paul Malinaggi is full of emotion and personal experiences that plays as an eye opening to anyone that has lost or steered away from God. Paul is so charismatic that in the end you will not only feel for this man you will understand his pain and the need for redemption. The film stares Will Wallace (Tree of life) Joe Estevez, Adam Nelson ( Mystic River) Joe D' Onofrio (Bronx Tale) Carmen Argenziano(God Father)
The Tested
A life shattering tragedy sends three people on vastly different paths to a similar goal of redemption and understanding.
The Tested
Associate Producer
A life shattering tragedy sends three people on vastly different paths to a similar goal of redemption and understanding.
Ясное озеро
В 1994, жители небольшого города — Ясное Озеро, стали жертвой странной и ужасной болезни. Влиятельный местный пастор назвал вспышку странной болезни, наказанием за людские грехи. К тому времени, когда правоохранительные органы и сотрудники министерства здравоохранения прибыли, чтобы найти причину вспышки, уже тринадцать человек пропали без вести, а большинство горожан покинуло город. Правительство эвакуировало оставшихся граждан и изолировало город. Пятнадцать лет спустя, режиссер-документалист разыскал четырех выживающих и убедил их возвратиться в Ясное Озеро, чтобы воспроизвести их историю, но после возвращения в пустой город, странные вещи начинают происходить снова…