Each year dozens of encounters with upright canids are reported in North America. These beings often behave in similar ways with many reports recounting a creature that is aggressive, ghastly, and disturbing. While many theorize that the Dogman is some sort of unidentified species of animal, many believe that what they were confronted by was something else. Something more.
In the 1960s the cattle mutilation phenomenon became a widespread concern across the American west. Cases erupted around states like Wyoming, South Dakota and Colorado of livestock being preyed upon in ways that puzzled even established scientists. Today, cattle mutilations are thought to go hand in hand with mysterious objects in the skies (commonly referred to as UFOs or UAPs) and that’s what first brought indie documentary crew Small Town Monsters and investigator Shannon LeGro to the Miller Ranch in southern Colorado.
В начале 1990-х в небольшом городке на западе Америки под названием Элкхорн стали поступать сообщения о встрече с необычным существом - оно похоже на волка или огромную собаку, с длинной шерстью и передвигается на двух лапах. Местная журналистка начала расследовать эти таинственные случаи, и вскоре Зверь из Брей-Роуд стал известен далеко за пределами штата. И даже сейчас, когда прошло уже тридцать лет, загадка остается неразгаданной и привлекает интерес людей во всем мире.
A look at the Flatwoods Monster case