Erik Skodvin


From Darkness
Park ranger Angelica seeks the help of her dog handler ex-boyfriend, Viktor, to search for a missing woman in a dangerous nature reserve in Sweden. The search is complicated by a disturbing myth about the Cave Banshee, a vengeful spirit from the Nordic folklore that once lured miners to their deaths in the reserve's treacherous caves. As they delve deeper into the forest, Viktor starts to question his own sanity and whether the rumored Banshee is more than just a myth. To make matters worse, Angelica and Viktor share a painful history with the haunted place. Viktor must now confront his troubled past and work together with Angelica to survive the night and unravel the mystery behind the woman's disappearance.
The children transform into adults before our eyes. Yet they remain in limbo, haunted by memories of the war in Kosovo. Combining raw realism and staged performance, Afterwar is a meditation on the long-term repercussions of war.
Asalif and his mother defy Ethiopia’s omnipresent modern housing development culture, by continuing to live a life characterised by proximity to nature and rootedness in community. The boy counters the ruptures in his accustomed surroundings and the threat posed by the hyena that haunts his neighbourhood by reinventing himself as a hero: as Anbessa, the lion.
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Original Music Composer
Дарлин — известная на весь мир балерина. Франс — главный мужчина в ее жизни, пара и наставник в профессии. Они возвращаются на родину, в Копенгаген, после долгих гастролей по миру. Вместе они планируют поставить на сцене Королевского театра «Жизель», где у Дарлин будет главная партия. Во время первой репетиции Дарлин падает от боли — она больше не может танцевать. Ей приходится подчиниться болезненным обстоятельствам, быстро смириться со своей заменой, и найти силы помочь супругу — на кону его постановка. Однако центром внимания балета и её супруга Франса становится молодая балерина — новая Жизель.