Travis Cooke
Death by 1000 cuts refers to an ancient method of torture in which numerous small cuts were made on a victim's body. None of the cuts were deadly by themselves, but the combination of them would cause them to die a slow, painful death. In psychology, it refers to small issues that are overlooked until they add up to something too big to ignore. Sometimes I question which version of the phrase is worse.
The Executioner
After seeing a young woman kidnapped and taken to a house, a popular horror video blogger decides to go into the house, armed with only his camera, to see what he can find. Then the residents come home.
Маккензи Коди вместе с друзьями отправляется в национальный парк Синдер, чтобы разыскать без вести пропавшую сестру Мэрилин. Не желая самостоятельно заходить в лес, где часто пропадают люди, друзья принимают помощь со стороны местного жителя Леона. Продвигаясь вглубь парка вместе с проводником, Маккензи и компания начинают испытывать галлюцинации, а также слышать «голоса». Спустя некоторое время ситуация выходит из-под контроля, когда главные герои находят невидимый портал, который переносит их в параллельное измерение, где находится мир загадочных монстров...
A lazy, and often drunk, private detective teams up with a young woman who likes karate movies and bad puns to solve the murder of a fashion photographer.
A dwarf named Ed falls in love with a big woman named Linda. He cuts her open and climbs into her womb to be "born again."
In 1,000 BC, a virgin and her friends venture into the hills, to grieve and ponder the grim fate that awaits her.
A young man named Mike starts receiving messages from a shy, seemingly innocent young woman named Carli. She likes to play dress up, often dressing up as her favorite animal: a cat. She lives with a nice Mormon family, and is well-liked by those who know her. Only Mike knows her true secret, and he is in terrible danger. But who would believe him?