Luca Trovellesi Cesana


Criminali si diventa
Рафаэль. Добрый гений
Зрителя ждёт вдохновляющее путешествие по Италии Рафаэля: от Перуджи, где он был учеником великого Перуджино, до Флоренции, где он общался с Да Винчи и Микеланджело. Мы побываем в Палаццо Корсини, а потомки заказчиков, с которыми работал Рафаэль, откроют для нас двери своих дворцов, находящихся в частном владении. Далее — Рим, где по заказу Папы Рафаэль создал грандиозные Станцы в Ватикане. Изучим и не столь известные его шедевры — например, роспись в церкви Сант-Элиджо-дельи-Орефичи и росписи фасада Палаццо Спада. Путешествие продолжится в Санкт-Петербурге, где в Эрмитаже хранятся несколько шедевров «принца искусств» из Урбино.
4 лица Моны Лизы
Какую тайну скрывает самый известный портрет в истории? Четыре женщины, четыре удивительные истории — кто из них вдохновил Леонардо? Зрителей ждет художественное путешествие по итальянскому Ренессансу и четырем городам, где жили девушки, ставшие прототипами Джоконды. Флоренция, Милан, Урбино и, наконец, регион Базиликата, в котором находится неизвестная могила самой Моны Лизы.
La ricerca dei rotoli del mar morto
Leonardo: The Mystery of the Lost Portrait
Leonardo da Vinci is not just the most famous and most admired of all painters - he is an icon, a superstar. Yet, the man himself remains elusive. Accounts during his lifetime describe a man too handsome, too strong, too perfect to be accurate. But in 2009, the chance discovery in the South of Italy of an ancient portrait with strangely familiar features takes the art world by storm. Could this be an unknown self-portrait by Leonardo da Vinci? Controversy erupts among the experts. The implications of such a discovery have far-reaching consequences for our understanding of the work of this great Renaissance master.
The Kings of the Orient
Noble pilgrims in luxurious clothes, shamans dedicated to the worship of the stars, priests of the god of Zoroastrianism. They appear in one of the most controversial episodes of the Gospel that has divided its deniers while fascinating writers. Who were the Magi and where did they come from? Did they really live in Judea at the time of Jesus' birth? What about the mysterious star that guided them? Where does the historical truth stop and where does the myth begin?
The Kings of the Orient
Noble pilgrims in luxurious clothes, shamans dedicated to the worship of the stars, priests of the god of Zoroastrianism. They appear in one of the most controversial episodes of the Gospel that has divided its deniers while fascinating writers. Who were the Magi and where did they come from? Did they really live in Judea at the time of Jesus' birth? What about the mysterious star that guided them? Where does the historical truth stop and where does the myth begin?
The Kings of the Orient
Noble pilgrims in luxurious clothes, shamans dedicated to the worship of the stars, priests of the god of Zoroastrianism. They appear in one of the most controversial episodes of the Gospel that has divided its deniers while fascinating writers. Who were the Magi and where did they come from? Did they really live in Judea at the time of Jesus' birth? What about the mysterious star that guided them? Where does the historical truth stop and where does the myth begin?
The Story of Mary of Nazareth
The Story of Mary of Nazareth
Alla ricerca del volto di Gesù
Alla ricerca del volto di Gesù
Messico: punto di contatto
Executive Producer
An Italian documentary about Mexico and the UFO phenomenon.
Il caso Amicizia
A look at the ufo contacts in Pescara region of Italy