Jan, a nurse who is also a father, who was sexually abused by his father as a teenager. Working in Nuuk, Greenland, he tries to connect to the culture with sex. When someone calls him a Kalak, a Greenlandic word with a double meaning of both a "true" and "dirty" Greenlander, he wears the epithet as a badge of honor. But ultimately he has to confront his father.
Lennon, a new back-country ranger, travels alone through the dangerous wilderness, hoping to uncover the origins of a tragedy that has haunted her since she was a child.
The story of Brazil’s first emperor, returning to Europe on board the English ship Warspite. The trip makes Pedro conquer his fears and face his life from a personal point of view. He goes back in time and relives outstanding moments of his earlier life – since his childhood, when in 1808 he arrived coming from Portugal with his family, until he left in the dead of the night, in 1831, running away from Brazil.
An older man begins to work in a modern dairy factory. He feels distant and does not identify with the place, the people and even the society. Little by little, he is approaching cows and oxen, transforming into an animal and returning to his ancestry.
Peter Olsen
Аугусто грезит о славе великого актера. Когда ему предлагают вести, казалось бы, заурядную детскую передачу на телевидении, он понимает, что это его шанс. Нарушая все каноны телеэфира 80-х годов и шокируя публику, его утреннее шоу прогремит на всю Бразилию. Однако долгожданная популярность остается недостижимой мечтой — загримированному под клоуна Бинго Аугусто запрещено раскрывать свою личность.