Jason Ishmael Echols

Jason Ishmael Echols

Рождение : , Detroit, Michigan, USA


Jason Ishmael Echols is an American film and stage actor, director, screenwriter and producer. He was born in Detroit, MI, USA.


Jason Ishmael Echols
Jason Ishmael Echols


The Corridor Defended
A troubled man from Detroit has to decide whether to try and fix his seedy neighborhood, or take a backseat to the chaotic order of the city.
Кодекс пирата: приключения Микки Мэтсона
Разобравшись со злобными Конфидератами, Микки Мэтсон вновь возвращается к обычной жизни и ему кажется, что Родина забыла про него, но это не так - спустя год ему предлагают вновь окунуться в головокружительные приключения, став полноправным членом Тайного Ордена Патриотов.
Detroit Unleaded
Mahaba Man
An ambitious Lebanese-American youth is forced to take over his family's gas station after his father's death, in this spirited and often hilarious coming-of-age tale from first-time feature director Rola Nashef.
War Flowers
North Carolina 1863, the Civil War is raging. In this inspired story of tragedy and love we follow the lives of Melody, a precocious seven-year old, and her young mother Sarah as they struggle on their farm to survive during the Civil War.
В любви все средства хороши
Уилл в качестве наказания за пропущенные занятия в Драмшколе подписывается на работу в сказочном представлении времен ренессанса. Там он встретится с Кейт, бросившей работу банкира ради сказки.
Along Came a Callback
Audrey, a struggling Hollywood actress is having a tough go at things, but perhaps her luck is about to change when she receives a mysterious last minute audition that forces her to face her past.
Along Came a Callback
Audrey, a struggling Hollywood actress is having a tough go at things, but perhaps her luck is about to change when she receives a mysterious last minute audition that forces her to face her past.